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Hi All!

The two videos that weren't working should be up and running again. Hopefully this issue doesn't happen again. I'm in the process of trying to get some new content up for you guys as well! Thanks again so much for your patience and for letting me know of these issues in your messages/comments. It's super helpful to hear from you guys when things aren't working as they should be. 

You all rock and stay golden! 



I just tried it and it seems all your Vimeo videos have been taken down. "Sorry, we couldn’t find that page" on each link.

Doug Willour

Hey Natalie. The links within the 2 Episode IV and the Episode V part 1 are coming back not found. Can watch them directly on here still with the embedded video, but no way to download them to watch offline.

Doug Willour

Sorry. Just saw your comment on one of the other ones mentioning this issue so didn't mean to pester. Stinks that these platforms can't play nice with each other.