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Oh boy...this video says it all.

I ran into a bunch of tech issues with my computer crashing today so unfortunately, have to stop filming for the week. I'm so sorry that I can't offer you all the reactions I promised for the rest of this week. I'm seriously disappointed about it. This is not the way I intended to go into my break for June. Hopefully, I can get this computer issue resolved quickly and everything will go much more smoothly come July.

For those of you who might have missed my previous post, I will be taking a break from reactions in June. I was hoping to release two more movies this week before going on that break...but such is life. I will be pausing billing for the month of June as well. So consider that a free month to catch up on some my older videos you might have missed!

Thank you so much for all of your support and understanding on that break announcement. Your kind words really meant so much to me. I feel so lucky to have built such a wonderful community. I'm truly looking forward to taking the time to recharge and get my mind right so I can come back to you feeling excited to film (and with technology that's working properly lol).

Until the next one, take care, and stay golden!



Technical difficulties can always happen. Perhaps get a cheap camcorder with cheap external mic. You can just let that record independently of your computer. Quality will be less, but passable for these occasions. That way you have a backup of video and sound should it be necessary. Set it up once and it requires little effort going forward. When the reaction is all uploaded and archived, you can delete it from the memory card.

Jonathan Martin

So this is case that when you are filming you should also be streaming to youtube. Obviously it will be unlisted but it will be an active backup and once you confirmed you have the video file you can delete the unlisted stream.


RIP for Donald Sutherland I was going to watch Kelly's Heroes the weekend of the 4th. I'm going to throw it in tonight. No negative waves, we're all about the Positive Waves Oddball.