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Hey folks!

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend! It's time to dive back into Fallout. Really enjoyed this episode and so excited to see where the 2nd half of this season takes us!

Here is this week's schedule for those who are curious:
MON: Fallout S1E4
TUE: Fallout S1E5
WED: Poll
THU: Fallout S1E6
FRI: M3GAN (random choice I know, but it's been on my list for a bit and figured why not!? lol)

As always, thank you for your support here on Patreon. Until the next one, take care and stay golden :)

LINK: https://youtu.be/yCEK2gDuEE0

Original Series: Fallout


Darryl Low

Happy Monday Nat. ha ha that thumbnail! Hope you had an awesome weekend 😊 More crazy Fallout this week. Looking forward to it, and also M3GAN. It's a cool, creepy movie 😀 "The people of Vault 32 are nothing if not creative" ha ha Nat 😄 It's a great mystery as to what's been happening in there. Really enjoyed this episode. Some amazing design work for the robot and his hospital. I want to know if Lucy McLean is named after Bruce Willis' daughter in Die Hard, or is it a coincidence 😄 Excited for the next one tomorrow. Thanks for your reaction today Nat 💛

Alan Felicia

NatMares starting early w/ creepy AF M3GAN! LOL! Can't wait!


I looooove Em-three-gan so much. It's the perfect campy horror movie. Please check out Happy Death Day some time too. You'd really like it

Jeff K

Stoked about three episodes of Fallout this week. My personal favorite from season one is included in this batch.


This is an awesome week! 3x Fallout and a random Natmares appearance, I like it


Watching this show with you has been a lot of Fun Nat. With the Holiday weekend coming up, if you're looking for a World War 2 movie that's a little lighter than most. (Say a Bank Heist Comedy.) This could be the year for Kelly's Heroes. I gotta say Kelly's Heroes goes well with the Fallout feel . It has an old Hollywood movie cast. Clint Eastwood as Kelly has The Ghoul written all over him. Clint even ties back to your Red Dead gameplay on Twitch. I can hear Matt Berry's voice as Codsworth now, saying "That Ladies and Gentlemen, is what we in Hollywood call, Synergy." Oh, by the way, I would be 100% behind you Upgrading your signoff Slogan. To "Stay Golden, Mother Fuckers." If you could just try it out...that would be swell. I could use a new notification clip for my Phone.

Logan Kerlee

Very happy that you enjoyed this one. Wasn't feeling up to writing a book of a comment, so I'm just saying that. Looking forward to more next time! :)


I'm ready for NatMares. Maybe we can even get Nat to play some DBD during its 8th anniversary. Oh wait she's going on Holiday she said. Well, I can still dream of seeing our little Cereal Killer returning to the Fog. They Upgraded the Trapper Nat. You can carry more traps and when you place one, you get a speed boost. Which should make all your friends scream.

Jayson Phillips

She leveled up and got some vault tec armor lol like the game

Shaun Bloom

That "Wrong Wrong Wrong Wrong" thing is from the show Srcubs. https://youtu.be/WrjwaqZfjIY?si=sDUu8bzA_FF15Dm0

jamie jones

The extended cut of m3gan or regular?

Thomas Richter

You should consider doing a Fallout 1 livestream gameplay

@adrian_r31 (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-20 20:28:16 I love how he reminded Roger of something that made him really happy before killing him. Not even a second to think about his death. The man died thinking of apple pie. We should all be so lucky.
2024-05-20 19:32:19 I love how he reminded Roger of something that made him really happy before killing him. Not even a second to think about his death. The man died thinking of apple pie. We should all be so lucky.

I love how he reminded Roger of something that made him really happy before killing him. Not even a second to think about his death. The man died thinking of apple pie. We should all be so lucky.

@adrian_r31 (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-20 20:28:16 The wrist cuffs are called Pip Boys! I'm surprised the show doesn't even gloss over this at all. But I've always been a proponent of 'show don't tell' and they've done a great job at showing you how important they are.
2024-05-20 19:57:04 The wrist cuffs are called Pip Boys! I'm surprised the show doesn't even gloss over this at all. But I've always been a proponent of 'show don't tell' and they've done a great job at showing you how important they are.

The wrist cuffs are called Pip Boys! I'm surprised the show doesn't even gloss over this at all. But I've always been a proponent of 'show don't tell' and they've done a great job at showing you how important they are.

Rod Reavern

This was a so-so episode for me. I was infinitely more intrigued by Norm and Chet’s Vault 32 investigation (and the funny/creepy scene with Stephanie) than Lucy and the Ghoul’s A-story. Admittedly, that’s because I’ve always thought that Vault-Tec was the most fascinating aspect of the Fallout universe, whereas the post-apocalyptic wasteland survival stuff has been done before and done better (i.e. Mad Max franchise). I understand that the A-plot was all character development meant to give Lucy a reality check about what it’s really like in The World Outside the Vaults. She witnessed and experienced the worst of it and it hardened her character without breaking her, because she’s still a good, compassionate person who believes in the Golden Rule. There’s a glimmer of hope that Lucy helped the Ghoul regain some of his lost humanity — although I believe that watching the tape of his movie was what changed him. Because IME people resist having others impose their beliefs on them and tell them to change… BUT if you see YOURSELF used to be a certain (better) way and you recognize what you’ve lost and want it back, THAT can actually change a person for the better. I believe that’s what happened because after Lucy helped the Ghoul, he went on a bit of a bender, indulging in wanton excess, but he stopped when he found his old movie and watched that scene wherein his “white hat” sheriff made his heel turn. It was because he, Cooper Howard the actor, didn’t stand up to the director by portraying his character as just and pure. (It reminded me of the tragedy of Mark Hamill going along with Roundhead Rian Johnson’s unforgivable character assassination of Luke Skywalker.) As I wrote before, I UNDERSTAND what the A-story was doing and I acknowledge it accomplished its purpose, but in an uninspired paint-by-numbers way. Also, there were annoying contrivances, like the fact that The Ghoul has ALWAYS worn gloves… except in the scene that Lucy bit off his finger! At the end of the episode, The Ghoul was wearing gloves again and it appeared he had all of his fingers, which presumably meant that he reattached his bitten off finger or used Lucy’s finger, and his “magic” Ghoul healing ability bonded the severed finger to his stub (although the Ghoul was turning feral because he didn’t have any vials, so would his healing ability work?). Also, Lucy demanding the two stoner-slacker guys release the imprisoned ghouls, including the feral ones, was so STUPID. I can sorta forgive Lucy because it’s established she’s adorably naive and compassionate. But the stoner-slacker guys knew better. Even with Lucy threatening them with needles filled with drain declogger (which they could pull out immediately and presumably heal because the place was stocked with drugs and medical supplies), they could’ve at least EXPLAINED to Lucy “those ghouls are FERAL and will kill all of us if we let them out!” Also, the stoner-slacker guys had their weapons in easy reach to defend themselves but they obeyed Lucy’s suicidal demands anyway. I understand that Lucy is the protagonist and has plot armour, and the climax of the episode was contrived to deliver a “scary” action scene, develop Lucy’s character, and dispose of the feral ghouls and the stoner-slackers so the Ghoul could come in and binge. It just could’ve been executed better, which is why I rate this episode as just… okay. I believe it’s because this was the first episode NOT directed by Jonathan Nolan and it showed. I don’t believe he would’ve let those dumb contrivances slide. At least this episode was a welcome respite from the Maximus character; it’s always good to end on a positive note! 😁


If you like this movie you should watch Stargate; which was clearly the inspiration. Milo is Daniel Jackson.


I agree with you. Especially the part about the teo stoners. It was so weird when they just let the feral ghouls out without protest. I thought that I might have skipped a scene or something.

Alexander Brown

Great reaction! The prevailing theory is that Snip Snip was reprogrammed to be an organ harvester, but his primary directive, to serve humanity, remains embedded. So before he went about harvesting Lucy's organs, he had to fix her wound and make her comfortable. It's nonsensical to us, but to Snip Snip both directives were equally part of his programming and had to be obeyed.

Juan Colorado

The movie is on a VHS tape and the guys probably never rewind it. That way it played the end scene


the wrong wrong wrong song is from Scrubs where Dr cox sings it to Elliot telling her shes is wrong. My fav sit com of all time.

Connor Ellis

The "cuff" is called a Pipboy.

Maddog Jones

I'm sorry, I tried, I really did but your talking over dialogue is really off putting. I really was interested in what you had to say but it got incessant, to the point you started missing important plot points and dialogue. Anyway I hope you enjoy the series...