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Ok....so I accidentally posted this a full two days early instead of scheduling it...clearly I'm in a wacky headspace with this cold. But since y'all got the email notifications anyway, I'm just gonna leave it up 😂 enjoy the early post!


Happy Feature Friday Folks!

Unfortunately, this cold ended up knocking me out way more than I anticipated. I was able to film this reaction, but never got around to filming an outro as I got hit with a big fever after this. So I just decided to post this reaction without an intro/outro.

I really enjoyed this movie a lot and some of the genius satirical lines are replaying in my head days after watching this. I think this one would be even better as a rewatch and I totally get the hype!

For those who'd like to watch along with me, I watched this on Prime Video. As always, thank you for your support here on Patreon! Until the next one, take care and stay golden. :)

LINK: https://youtu.be/dcgEGLnt2Sg

Original Movie: Starship Troopers


Eric Trinidad

Woot! I’m glad to have it, but hope you feel better soon.

Jason Dolan

Oh boy! I love a good accidental email fuckup early posting!


The happiest of accidents I would say! Thanks for leaving it up!✨

Will Morgan

I didn't even get time to write a comment warning you before you took it down lol.


Delightful surprise 😁

Thomas Wetherell

“Would you like to know more?”


What a happy accident! I've been waiting for this one! Feel better!

Kyle Turning Robe

Yeah thank you Nat for the accidental surprise.

Darryl Low

Happy Feature Fursday Nat. Thanks for the early morning wake up call 😅😄 ha ha you just couldn't contain yourself and had to post your reaction for us 😆 Look forward to watching this one with you tomorrow. Even when you're not firing on all thrusters Nat, you give us you're all. You da best. It was so fun watching this movie with you. I said in my comment on the poll post for this movie that you would have fun with some of the performances, and you certainly did. It really is like a sci-fi soap opera. Your sniggering at the delivery of the line "They sucked his brains out" made my day 😂 A fun in-joke in this movie is that it was the writer of the screenplay, Ed Neumeier, who appeared on screen as the guy who was going to be executed live on tv. I love the score by Basil Poledouris. So epic, back in the days when no expense was spared hiring big symphony orchestras for that big sound. Fun fact, it was his daughter Zoe that wrote and performed the songs during the graduation dance scene. If you had fun with this movie Nat, then you definitely need to check out Verhoeven's other 2 sci-fi movies Robocop and Total Recall 😊 Thanks again for an awesome reaction today, and for all your great work this week. Rest up and feel better soon Nat 💛


This movie gets better and better with more views. The book it’s based on is not satire. It’s full on “the army is actually best and here’s why” jingoistic nonsense. Heinlein wrote this as a response to the US government STOPPING nuclear testing. Like the idea that we stopped testing nukes inspired this guy to write this as a WARNING. He believed the military should run a one world government. But the director, Verhoeven, grew up in Nazi controlled Netherlands, in The Hague. He knows fascism when he sees it and as he said "i want to make a movie so painfully obvious in its satire that everyone who understands it lives in perpetual psychological torment inflicted on them by all the people who don't" That is happening again right now thanks to the game HELLDIVERS II which takes direct inspiration from the Starship Troopers film.

Shaun Bloom

Thank you for accidental early post. Hope you feel better soon.

Kevin Farrell

Brain bug must've gotten to Nat

Joseph salazar

Goody something to watch when I get home


Lol, silly Nat. Just doing your part. Feel better and get some rest 🫡

Thomas Wetherell

Definitely a pleasant surprise, hope you feel better soon Natalie.


Feel better. Sounds like a nasty flu


I feel bad for Nat. It sucks being sick, and still having to work! I hope everyone appreciates that she is still doing this for us. Shows such a great work ethic. I am happy for Nat that she has someone (hubby) to help take care of her when she is sick. Many of us have to suffer and try and take care of ourselves alone. Get better Nat!

Perrin Rademacher

They picked Buenos Ares and yet cast the whitest people possible because Argentina was infamously a country a lot of Nazis fled to after WW2. When in doubt as to why a choice was made in this movie, it's safe to assume it's a fascism thing.

Baggie Mark

Get yourself a hot toddy and tuck yourself up in front of a nice log fire. Hope you feel better soon.


I can't believe you worked with Casper Van Dien's daughter. That's so cool!


Yes Nat, this movie is absolutely meant to be satire, criticizing war propaganda. Also, don't watch the sequels. They're direct-to-video cash-ins and not worth it.


I hope you feel better soon. It's funny that people would want a reaction to this movie. The book, "Starship Troopers", has been one of my favorite sci-fi books despite the questionable leanings of the author. The movie is probably the first time I remember hating a movie adaptation. I remember saying, "well, at least they got the title right". This and "Ready Player One".


Awwwwww.... just got to the part where Nat cracked up when Rico and Diz were hooking up and it almost killed her! Get better Nat!


“i want to make a movie so painfully obvious in its satire that everyone who understands it lives in perpetual psychological torment inflicted on them by all the people who don't" That’s probably the funniest thing I’ve ever read from a director 😂


People who actually think this movie is being serious and isn't over-the-top satire need to be studied like that brain bug lool


I'm glad you appreciated the campy and satirical elements of this film, that was intentional. Many, many film critics did not understand this movie at all, and some actually accused it of promoting fascism. I hope you watch more Paul Verhoeven films in the future as he is one of the best, and his style is so distinctive.

Jacob King

I’m home from work (also sick) so I’m glad you posted it early. You definitely got the main point of the movie which is this war doesn’t have any possible ending and these kids don’t know what they’re doing.


And that outro never came:p hope youre feeling better !

Jacob King

There’s always more Nazi stuff to pick up. Watching with subtitles this time I learned the tune Levy played on the fiddle was “Dixie” (not being American or musical I’d never noticed before). There’s no nostalgia or desire for home in any of the characters, it’s not being used ironically or sentimentally, it is purely a nod to the confederacy, a racist anthem to play in the background of the party scene.

Ulrich Unterbrunner

The movie is a plethora of fascinating stories and I am so happy to have it watched again with a "first timer". Can't wait for my kid to grow old enough :) -) Verhoeven had to promote it as silly action movie in interviews to get it released in the United States, because it is so obviously a satire of american jingoism and militarism. -) It even suggests, that the Federation actively provoked the war with the Bugs to have a common enemy to fight, as civilians started to become ever more influental in state affairs (take Ricos parents for example) and a counter movement was forming. -) It can even be assumed that the first hostile action the Bugs ever made against humanity was during the attack on Klendathu, with all the previous events being false flag operations (attack on the Mormones to eliminate undesired fringe groups, throwing an asteroid towards Earth - it apparently exited a warp tunnel - then blowing it up for news footage later ("the Bugs send another meteor, but this time we are prepared"), although it was not the same asteroid, so maybe not used that one for footage, and simply nuking Buenos Aires as casus belli, as such a large asteroid would wipe out an entire continent, being able to build a fleet base in the AQZ, without the Bugs caring, as it was space and uninteresting for them,...). Most hive insect species are territorial, but not per se aggressive. -) If the Bugs had the ability to throw asteroids at Earth at will and an unlimited supply of ammunition, they simply would glass Earth, by overwhelming the defense-weapons with a neverending stream of space rocks. Hives do not know of morale or ethics. And latest after Klendathu the solar system would have devolved into a fair-ground shooting range. -) In the end the hidden assumption by ending the movie on a propaganda note, that humanity has no chance of outnumbering and outgunning the Bugs and will in time definetly lose or plea for unconditional surrender. -) Aside from that, the movie had very progressive ideas like total equality between the sexes as seen in the shower scene. The actors only agreed to do the scene completely naked, if Verhoeven would direct it the same way, so he also stripped and directed it nude. -) Casper VanDien lost his two front teeth during the stunt with the first Tanker-Bug -) The sequels don't exist, as everyone who pretends they do

Em McG

"Sharks and the Jets" whoah Nat... also Mods and Rockers 😄 ...in The Who's Quadrophenia. Also Akira somehow... lol


It's perfectly true as well. I have started avoiding the comment sections of YT reactions to Starship Troopers because of the people who either don't understand the movie, or are book fans who defend the fascism and jingoism.


Like i hoped, Nat got this movie better than most other reactors i've seen. It is amazing and sad how many guys think that the "wrong" girl died. Carmen gets called a bitch because she broke up with Rico despite having perfectly legitimate and valid career reasons, while Diz was a desperate stalker! 😄 Starship Troopers shares DNA with other Paul Verhoeven films, but it's also pretty unique. Definitely one of the most misunderstood films ever made. Just like The Thing, ST was not a hit on release, was completely panned by critics and only much later reevaluated as a sci-fi classic. The bad acting, the campy lines and the over-the-topness of everything is a feature, not a...

Em McG

there are stories about WWII that the soldiers did look like kids...


Some things that always bothered me about this movie. First of all, Denise Richards' acting. Then, the "bug meteors". How are bugs sending asteroids at faster than light speed towards earth? I think the physics any mass hitting the earth at faster than light would obliterate it, let alone huge space boulders like the ones we saw. Also - grazing a FTL kinetic kill vehicle while also going FTL like that would not just snap the antenna off. Lets talk about the horrific injuries these people are suffering and walking away from. That what... tusk? Appendage? that impaled Rico's leg? Would have bled out in seconds. I am pretty sure the same thing would happen with Carmen's shoulder when a 4-inch round spike impales it. But, no, at the the end, she's all happy walking saying, "I think things might just work out?" Honey, I think you just might BLEED OUT.

Em McG

I just finished watching, Zim desperately wanted to join in the fight but his commanding officer yells "The only way you'd see fighting is if you busted yourself down to Private!" Then Rico walks in asking if he could change his mind but he had already signed his papers so it would be illegal... Zim grabs the paper "Is this your signature Rico!?" Zim looks at Rico, then at commanding officer who conveniently turns around so that he doesn't see what Zim is about to do... Zim tears up Rico's signature. I thought this is what got him busted down to Private but probably not... he probably had to bust himself down - maybe by confessing to tearing up a legal document(?) 😊

Adam Doyle

Now its time to start playing Helldivers 2!

Joshua Decker

I don't have access to the google doc of what Nat has already watched, but based on her reaction to NPH, if she hasn't already seen "Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog" it's a MUST watch.


You mentioned the sequels. They are all pretty bad. 2 was made for the SyFy network when it was still Sci-Fi. Then 3 was straight to video and even worse than 2 which is shocking… then 4 and 5 become CGI anime… yes… full on from Japan Anime. They’re all missing the camp and satire with the exception of 5 which tries to say something about social media popularity, and politics maybe sorta? It’s hard to tell because it’s pretty gutless when this franchise should be anything but subtle.

Thomas Richter

I've had Dengue fever since last week. Only today I've been feeling a bit better.

Nick Freer

Man this movie’s soundtrack gets me so hyped !!!! YOU TRYING TO BE A HERO WATKINS !!! 🫡


When it comes to the "bug meteors", a lot of people interpret it as actually being a false flag operation by the Terran Federation in order to generate public support for their wars.


I did think NPH’s outfit looked spot on like a Nazi officer. Didn’t mention it at the time, but MAN everything stands out so clearly now with hindsight of having seen the film.

Joshua Decker

I have way too many suggestions for you, most of which I'm pretty sure no one else saw or remember, but I try to limit myself to things related to what's being watched. Just saying because even if it's not something everyone here would be willing to try, you might give em a shot on your own time. For example the movie from last year called "Theater Camp".

Rod Reavern

It's been a while since I watched Starship Troopers so I enjoyed watching along with Natalie's reaction -- I appreciate she toughed it out despite not feeling well. I did miss her giving a wrap-up at the end of the video. Perhaps for the YT edit, she can record a wrap-up and add it to the end. I'm especially interested in what Natalie thought about the propaganda commercials throughout, which gave Starship Troopers its unique tone. I never noticed that squashed dog in the Buenos Aires aftermath before. I originally saw this movie on VHS and it wasn't clear. Then the angry guy saying "The only good bug is a dead bug" put it in my head that was one of those big beetles from earlier. It being a dead dog reminds me of John Wick! REVENGE!!! BTW there's a fan theory that Buenos Aires was a false flag operation that the Federation allowed to happen to justify the war. The Roger Young's near-miss with (supposedly) the same meteor implies the Federation knew it was coming and did nothing.


"I'm just trying to kill some bugs, sir!" When Helldivers came out I made my brother watch this movie with me (finally, after years of trying). Now he can't stop quoting that movie with me when we play lol

Rod Reavern

Starship Troopers got lumped in with several post-Independence Day sci-fi/action copycat cash-in movies -- and the 90's trend of putting attractive 25-30-year-old (bad) actors in "high school" movies. I suspect that movie critics were biased against the novel's author, Robert A. Heinlein. I don't believe that critics "got" the satirical aspects of the movie. They took the propaganda at face value as if it was a 2-hour military recruitment ad. Also, the movie critics of that era were extremely stuffy and anti-blockbuster. If it wasn't Oscar-bait, it wasn't positively reviewed. It's debatable whether movie critics are better now.


Nat, have you ever been to Buenos Aires? I have and they cast the characters perfectly. Let's just say a lot of Germans immigrated there after WW2.


I like how the flag of the World Government or what's it called is in green and blue. Because red and black would have been too obvious.


Yeah, Robocop and Total Recall and legit great movies. They all have the same kind of Verhoeven ultraviolence, cynical humor and weird campiness. But compared to ST they're much better acted.

Thomas Richter

Only today I got better enough to start eating again, soon I'll be better. Was fun watching this movie along though.

Razor Bikini

Brilliant movie. Essentially a propaganda film from a fictional universe. One of the greatest satires ever made. Also if you want more NPH, he IS in the fourth Matrix film…

Keith Jacobsen

1. "I'm gonna take a quick break before filming the outro." *STATIC* 2. Sorry you're sick Nat, but your wheezing laugh had ME laughing. 3. Sgt. Zim (the drill instructor) had to take demotion to Private in order to go active duty, which he did.

Daniel Vezina

Thanks for the early drop, but no outro???

Ben Curran

Well technically Nat it's Friday for us here in Australia lol. Keen to see this one.


Well, i'm not a film critic basher, and film critics are not a homogenous group who all agree with each other. Even Siskel and Ebert often disagreed about films they reviewed. Critics are as much a product of their time as the rest of us. Of course there were positive reviews of ST in 1997 (Empire Magazine's Adam Smith gave it four stars, Kenneth Turan of Los Angeles Times gave it 3.5 stars in 2001), but there is no denying that the satire of ST went over most people's heads, not just critics. I think the last 15 years of online critic bashing reveals that lots of people don't understand how film criticism works and how to use it. In this age it's easier than ever to find critics that you tend to agree with, and those are the ones you should listen to.


It's futile to try to make the sci-fi aspects of ST make sense, because realism was never on the table. I mean, just for starters, the distance between Earth and Klendathu (according to the galactic map shown in the beginning) is almost 100.000 light years. Never mind the asteroids, the Federation starships couldn't travel that distance in the time shown in the movie, no matter how advanced their tech was.


"I was able to film this reaction, but never got around to filming an outro as I got hit with a big fever after this."

Todd “Canuck” Schmuck

I just realized. When he captured the brain bug near the end while on the bug planet, that to the bugs all these humans are the aggressive invaders. So their leader was captured by…Invader Zim! 😆 Well…I thought it was funny. 😏

Todd “Canuck” Schmuck

The sad thing is there are people who not only didn’t get that it’s satire and humans are the facist bad guys, but upon learning this they actually doubled down. There are videos on YouTube of people still defending the humans AFTER learning it’s written and directed to be facist propaganda and have clearly fallen for it hook line and sinker without a hint of irony. Just a month ago there was one with over half a million subscribers claiming it’s proof(in their mind.🤦‍♂️) that those disagreeing politically with her are nuts because “Lefties side with bugs??” over humanity. I double checked it didn’t drop on April 1st because I thought it HAD to be tongue in cheek satire…but it was serious. And judging by the number of videos that seem to agree…sigh. I never, ever would have guessed, but we may end up talking about Starship Troopers the way we talk about “Idiocracy” now, and it kinda freaks me the hell out! Saying “Literal Space Nazis are bad” isn’t supposed to be a controversial opinion! 😳,🤯,😳🥹🥺😭

Thijs van Drenth

Glad to see you had fun with this one despite of how you are feeling. I always loved this movie and I think one of the reasons I do is because I never took it seriously. I do think that the music is great and the design of the bugs and the way they implemented them is fantastic. The story is meant to be satirical and I thought that was very obvious. But when this movie released a lot of people took it seriously and that was a shame. Get well soon! I can imagine that the coughing fits are draining when they endure for a long time, not to mention the lack of sleep that probably goes with it. I hope you do not overexert yourself when trying to get some reaction videos out. I would like to think I speak for the majority of people when I say that your health is more important than getting content out on time.

Daniel McGuinness

I’ve watched so many discussion videos about this movie but never actually sat down to watch it in its entirety before lmao so this was fun The satire was perfectly done, and it’s sort of tragic to see Rico go from a naive, kind-hearted rich boy to a radicalised warmonger 😭

Daniel McGuinness



Watching this movie as a child, I always thought it was just a badass action movie were soldiers kill some alien bugs that are attacking them. Now as an adult, I can watch it again and understand that its a satirical movie about fascism and war propagandas that come along with them, this action movie actually has so many layers to it. Definitely gives a whole knew meaning to the movie and still as fun as when I first watched it. It can get campy and the acting's over the top dramatic at times, but I wouldn't have it any other way lol.

Em McG

I hate to say it but a reactor said something like - Rico should have just walked through Washout Lane... and not taken administrative punishment, and called him dumb. But... I disagree. Rico showed good character by taking punishment for his role in the death of a fellow trainee. If his sins were washed away, then he could live with himself after that. The dude reactor is the one who was wrong. The movie depicts a system that chews you up and spits you out. Rico is ensnared in that system but it doesn't mean he can't live through his own moral code. Their society is "weird" but you can't effect change by walking away.

Em McG

The movie sends messages to our brain. The line calling for "Medic!" was set up as a gag... a few times. So that when the accident happens and Rico yells out for a medic!, how are we supposed to feel? I think we were supposed to stifle a laugh because of the incongruity of the thing. We are witnessing a square peg and a round hole. There is something wrong here, it doesn't fit. This is intended to break our sense of ego... At this moment a crack is made in our belief structure and this can open up to let new things in. We are momentarily discombobulated and out of kilter. That is when new information can be let in. Would you like to know more? We are born into a society... and we are brainwashed from birth. But a little critical thinking fixes a lot of that. The movie simplifies things for us like making the enemy bugs. And simplifying goals to the one line "It's afraid!" Great movie, awesome world building!


For real. The movie might as well have been called The Indoctrination of Johnny Rico.


I wanted to share a small, funny and telling quote from the first minutes of the commentary track on the Starship Troopers DVD. After explaining that the major theme of the movie is "War makes fascists of us all," director Verhoeven said this: "[So] whenever you see something that you think is fascist, you should know that the makers coincide with your opinion, thinking that it is not good. That is not a good statement and this is not good politics and if you see [a] black uniform you should also know: BAD, BAD, BAD, you know?" 😄

Christopher Palmer

Hey you posted this on my Birthday. Thank You!

Christopher Palmer

Casper Van Dien also Starred in The OMEGA CODE Starring Michael York. That’s a really good movie.


It is interesting. Despite this being a campy, cult classic Michael Ironside, NPH signed on, and it seems like a number of lesser known people got their 'big break' starring in this movie.

Colton Scott

Watching this makes me wanna play Helldivers 2 again.

Wil Morales

Ok when is Nat playing Helldivers 2. Nat needs to join Rico's Roughnecks and kill some bug


"So that when the accident happens and Rico yells out for a medic!, how are we supposed to feel? I think we were supposed to stifle a laugh because of the incongruity of the thing. " I think you are wrong here. Calling for a medic even when the wound seems fatal is common in most armies. You are not a doctor so you dont decide if it is worth trying to save someone. Taking responsibility for your wounded squad mates is a basic principle. You try to save them, allways. When I was in the army we had exactly one rule about that: If you cant find the head, you may assume he's dead. Maybe someone whos 1st language is english can explain it better, but no, calling for a medic is not a joke.



Andrew Skow

Every time Denise Richards is on screen, I feel like I'm standing on the edge of a cliff.

Simone's Coconut Squire

My understanding of the tonal weirdness of this movie stems from the fact that the source novel was written very earnestly in it's pro-military message, to the point the the filmmakers found it over the top, so made this movie essentially as a satire of it's own source material.

Gilbert Gonzalez

I’m playing Helldivers 2 right now and it made me buy this movie on Amazon video 😂😂


yeah Zim was told he had to be busted down to private if he wanted to go remember? love this movie so much, just a great satire. Want to know more? xD

Logan Kerlee

Watching this always puts a big smile on my face. :) Such an amazing satire!

Michael Adair

I know it's messed up, but this movie makes fascism look bad-ass...