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hey everyone, i dont know what it is about this time of year but i am currently the illest ive been all of 2023, and not like in the cool late 90s early 2000s slang way. ive had to update some IRL friends about moving/cancelling upcoming plans so it definitely makes sense to me i loop you guys in also. id been a lil under the weather for a few days and was making some half decent progress on some work im still very excited to show you, but i might genuinely need to take a proper day or two off just to get totally back on my feet. here, have this maple that embodies how im feeling atm

i am 100% not kidding btw when i say my nose actually started bleeding whilst drawing this, so thats cool. ill be back properly soon anyways!!




Get some rest 💖


do whatchu gotta do to heal. keep all that blood inside


I hope youre doing better cd :(