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i wont lie to you guys, that recent poll was a lot closer than i thought it would be, and not that i would've minded drawing bo or colette, it's just elastigirl is unironically the kind of character design i would literally want to come up with lol.

this piece is specifically based on incredibles 2, which should come as no surprise to any of you who've seen it. when i started this piece out, it was initially with [spoiler character], but i wanted to include both a bit more of a lead-in back view angle and some cool background stuff, so i decided to play out an alternate take on that one super trippy chase scene (which apparently literally could trigger epileptic seizures before they updated the cinema release which is wild).

ill likely render an an extra version out with said spoiler character, but in general i think this makes for a neat springboard into one or two other ideas i have also >:D!




Damn this is hot as hell. Will the “extra version” be nsfw?


good bet lol, got a couple few drawings im looking forward to showing you all shortly :D