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HEY guys, my bad for being more dead than usual - was working on the above for my friend martini's birthday that was just the other day. i had the bright idea to add some animated bells and whistles to her girl alta, and it turns out that even with a lot of me doing my damndest to simplify things that this one turned into quite the grind! bad habit of mine, i know, i know.

anyways, that was pretty much the most time-relevant thing i had on my plate and believe me i have very much been itching to get back into the thick of it (hahaha). if im being totally honest, i think ive been a liitle bit artblocked this month, but i also think im just about outta the mud with it? usually you can tell when i'm actually back to posting semi-regularly. 

but in case you missed it, lewdie did this very cute pear fanart that may or may not have a more explicit version easily viewable on their profile. i usually dont like uploading too many teasers for future projects because the reality is if something doesnt end up getting scrapped or eventually redone, it can just take quite a while to actually get out the door, but given how quiet ive been here's a vague hint towards something i have on the backburner at the moment. i wonder what pears' looking at?



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