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quick cover homage for august! citrus and cherry make an appearance after an extended absence (hopefully i get around to using them more in the future). this specific cover is from blur's the best of compilation. i meant to have this thrown out a day or two earlier but right after giving you guys an art update i actually managed to fall ill right after said psa, lol. doing mostly better now but it had me a little slowed down as you might imagine!


apple music

basically take what i said in that last post and subtract a few days from me coughing and wheezing my lungs out. ive got about two major projects to get a headstart on and finish through into october, but the good news is pretty much everything else going up outside of any poll stuff will be fanservice 101 :D looking forward to getting more of the type art out for you all shortly!




Could we get a separate 5th panel of a pissed off maple, upset at being excluded, but her she is in the lower right and the other squares are blank?


The white space is to have separation if this image and the maple one are place nest to each other.