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obligatory "i'm not a furry, but-" post. 

in case it isn't obvious, i've been on a real mc kick lately so i decided to finish up this old piece from 2021 (also seems to be a running theme lately). 

sorry for all the indulgent kinky art stuff also! i've been on a weirdly productive art production cycle right now and i've kinda just been going where it takes me lol. rest assured though i've got some pretty solid ideas in mind for the current remaining character poll pinups and i hope to be riding out said art cycle into them (plus one or two other things i wanna strike while the iron is hot).

oh, and some context for those of you who haven't played ratchet and clank 2, which i'm assuming is at least a few of you guys given its like 20 years old 😅. you get a bunch of guns and gadgets in those games, this is that gadget, and angela is the original hot furry lombax in question lol. (also, work files to come shortly again)


- updated title

- added loop version

- added timelapse

- added work files




Honestly, I'm enjoying all the kinky hypno, it's half the reason I joined up. The other half is the art style. 😜 As long as you're enjoying what you're drawing, that's what's important, too!


Nah man, your hypno art is great, hard to find good artist for it as well. Love the way you draw characters as well. Nsfw ver?


thanks! and probably not for this post lol, but i might do some more stuff with her in the future 👀