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hey everyone, sorry for the radio silence this month so far. in case you missed it, i mentioned having a covid positive case in my close association towards the end of december, and after feeling pretty under the weather and getting a test done, as of around 7th of this month i've been confirmed positive myself with corona. i didnt know if id need to make an actual update about it, its not been a big deal for some people in my family who've also caught it, but in my case i was a little bit away from a booster jab and its knocked my on my ass a good bit (im vaxxed tho, dw). i wont elaborate too much all i'll say is i feel sick enough to the degree i'm not confident any art i did force myself to make would be my best, if that makes sense?

so im basically making this post to let you all know i'm hoping to be back in full around the the 17th(?) where this should hopefully have mostly passed. i wanted to draw a dumb sick pear doodle or something for this but i'm honestly really out of it right now haha, sorry for getting ill right at the start of the month. depending on how i feel over the next few days i might be able to get back into art production a bit earlier, the above date is just me going off the government guidelines here based on when i got my positive result. i will be back soon, i just wanted to let you know why ive been more AWOL than usual this month. please consider getting vaxxinated if you havent already! this shit is no joke 😭



Hope you recover quickly!

Kelby Darko-Larbi

We are glad that you are ok, hope you recover soon!


This plague do be getting around. Take the time you need to fully recover!