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hey everyone!! happy new year!! this is what the new years art ended up being i guess? christmas/new years honestly kick my ass but it was fun to get some actual bigger projects done (mostly the xmas thing lol). this probably almost qualifies as a nsfw post but in the festive spirit im gonna leave it up for everyone!

i have some bad news and good news also! ill do the bad news first, which isn't that bad but probably worth mentioning. i dont like mentioning health related stuff here unless it might impact my work production, but basically, meeting up with relatives has finally brought covid straight to my doorstep. at the time of writing i dont appear to be particularly ill (shout out to that whole vaccine thing) but as you might imagine, having a family member test positive has been a bit disruptive and i've been taking some time to adjust! essentially, if i happen to seem particularly slow with getting any work out in the next week or so, you can probably guess why.

good news part, i think! in what is seemingly becoming a yearly NYE tradition, i'll be playing through all of resident evil 2 remake later on today (after I have actually slept) over at: https://www.twitch.tv/cdlum . if you'd like, you're more than welcome to join and ask me anything about my art! i can't guarantee i'll be able to answer everything but i think it'll be a fun stupid time anyways. 

given i only have a number of hours left until 2022 hits, this will likely be my last major piece of the year! thank you so much for sticking by what has been (in my opinion) definitely a bit of a rough one for me. covid scare aside, i feel like i'm coming out of it building up a lot of my artistic confidence again, and I can never adequately express how much the consistent support I recieve over here has played a really significant part in that. so yeah, thanks!



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