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all done, and (mostly) on time! i hope youve all had a merry christmas and a good time during this holiday season, regardless of whether or not you celebrate. this one came out pretty complicated, and i actually cut what was going to be a short horny stripping montage inbetween the cut to black, but i actually wanted to get this out whilst it was still december haha. i do have one extra thing planned for this though, which i'll hopefully have up shortly...

 unlike my other animations ive done so far, i actually drew a lot of this on totally seperate scenes, so there's quite a bit of timelapse material and general files to share here! i'll be updating this post with all of it in full within the next few hours, but id figure id get up the main animation + a loop of the obvious fanservice up for now. csp kind of hates anything longer than 1-2 seconds, so this will likely be how i upload more elaborate projects like this down the line. of course, i recommending checking out the fully voice acted version, once again thanks to Opalu providing their voice!




Really love this! Happy holidays!