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It's mid month, time to cover some of the upcoming videos we're working on.

We had a week of pause with releases last week, which means we're in for several weeks with a new video released, each week.

This coming Friday we're releasing Secret war between Israel and Soviet  union. (exact title subject to change) It deals with a little known episode from history, a clash between israeli and soviet union military forces based in Egypt, during the War of Attrition.

One week after that we're on track to release the winner of one of our Patreon polls. Hypothetical war between Turkey on one side and Syria allied with Iran on the other. A mix between some info pertaining to current, real world situation in Syria and our typical hypothetical war video.

In early June we're doing "World war III: 1945". Again, exact title may change. It deals with a hypothetical war between Soviet  Union and the Western Allies, right after WW2 ends. Sort of an expansion on real life Operation Unthinkable plans that the British did develop for such an event.

And then, as we approach mid June, we hope to release a video about Arctic region becoming a possible hot spot of geopolitical friction between modern day superpowers.

Anyway, hope you'll enjoy our upcoming programming! :)



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