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Ey yo, what's up everybody?

So, first things first... The winner of the poll form a few days ago:

In a surprising twist, Kitty - of all of them - won. I'm not gonna lie, I was expecting either Wonderwoman or Lola Bunny to sweep, but I guess there's a large amount of people here who are cultured and picked the most lovable of them all. Like, for real, Kitty is total girlfriend material and you're wrong if you think otherwise.

Anyways, what am I working on right now?

Well, right now I'm working on the "next patch", which is gonna be out next month (as in, march) - and it's not patch 15, but rather 14.5. It's like this big quest with Monique that I never got to finish - but it has a ton of images. In the end, it was voted that I should just release it next patch, instead of waiting for the April one, so that's what I'm doing.
It's obviously going to be smaller in size, but comically, the amount of pictures used is actually bigger than any path before it. I think max pictures 1 patch has had was about 26-27? This quest alone has 31.

It's also kinda serving as practice to do something similar with every other girl. Just one big quest that really just spends a lot of resources in one visual novel style part. So I'm interested in seeing how well it is going to do.

I still have more to say about it, but I'll leave that for next time.

Anyways... That's all for now, see ya in a while.

- leroy



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