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What up peeps? How's monday? I'm currently at work, and I'm excellent at finding ways to ignore doing that work.

Anyways, here is something surprising... I keep being asked whether Hope is gonna be a girl in this game - the dark skinned girl that hangs out with Tara and has a mean attitude. WHY do you all like her so much? She had been in like 7 different instances, sometimes just as a voice, yet it seems like she has her own very fast growing fanbase.

Why? Is it cause she has big "Step on me, Mommy" energy or what's going on here?

Is she really that popular or is it just an astoundingly vocal minority?

Anyways... I don't have too much to say today. Im working on the next patch, and the one after that currently. Cant wait till stuff gets a bit less storyheavy. But... For now, hope you have a good day n stuff.

- Leroy




For me, Hope is kind of a mean alt girl and, for better or worse, that is my type. She has “step on me” energy for sure, but half the girls in the game go from some version of bitchy/superior to submissive/love routes, she fits the mold. I’m not gonna be upset if she’s not in the game, she doesn’t even have to have multiple missions, but you put another hot girl into a fantasy game about getting all the hot girls. Throw us a frickin bone here!

Creepy Killer

For me i like hope because she's the only Asian out of the squad and I can see some interesting events with her surrounding culture and since her parents are strict it would be interesting to see a Monique like situation with Asian parents


Strangely enough, girls like hope is my type when we are talking about fictive girls, while in real life im way more into the exact opposite of her personality. I do have some stuff planned for hope, but lets see how it pans out :p she isnt even really involved with the mc yet