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What up peeps? How have you all been?

It's time once again for me to come in here and make everything more confusing.

First up, the usual thing: The next patch is going really great. It's a way bigger undertaking than previous patches, although a bit less complicated writing wise... Just bigger.

So, I've gotten a bunch of feedback on the game for this patch, and one thing that keeps coming up is that the questlog sometimes is insufficient. Not really a surprise, I've known that for a long time, but I'll be putting in some effort to change the parts that don't work. I'm not gonna make it a step by step thing, but the goal is that the steps should always vaguely describe what's needed. I've done those type of updates running, but there's just a lot of lines to check through. Anyhow...

What's next patch about?

Well, I frankly don't remember how much I've described already, but next patch is mainly a whole lot of Kim, a short-ish continuation of Shego and an ending to Moniques beach side quest, which decided to become massive. Not size wise, just... Lots of pictures. Kinda good though, cause I wouldn't have had time to plan how to use 50 god damn pictures any other way. Then probably some small bits or pictures of Tara and Ann cuz lol.
Bonnie is kinda being left behind, but she is gonna get a few patches in a row focusing on her soon.

Anyways, that's all for now. I'll be back soon. I just kinda wanted to show off that cover picture again cause I really like it xD

- Leroy

PS: Now that the patch has been out for a while, I can ask... What do you all think of the new overworld map? Do you like it? I still need to get some night backgrounds for those places where it matters.




I started a new game but so far everything is amazing new look and much more stuff happening keep up the amazing work and hope you are having a amazing new year today.


I really liked the new map made the town feel more alive.


Same ^^ The original one was never meant to stay, but it took a loooong time to find someone to remake it