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Eyyo what's up everyone? Been a bit. Did everyone have a good new years eve and such? I did. Went to bed at 8am and spent the next day being half asleep.

Anyways, patch is going really well.  But this patch is kinda sus to be honest. Cause it just has so many god damn images. 

Like, every patch the last year or so has come with about 23-25 images, depending on some things... This one has more than 50 new images. As a tradeoff, it won't have any images that moves, but that was a poll way back - which I can not find for some reason - where I asked whether more pictures or flipbook animations mattered more. It was like 70-30 on more images, so for a patch we are trying that.

I wrote this longass conclusion to one of the things presented not too long ago, and it turned out to be like 30 images. At the time I just shelved it, cause it didn't make sense to cut it in halves or 3'rds, and it was literally longer than my budget pr patch... But now I've made it :l Spent the entire wednesday finding references and what have you. The good part is that its significantly easier to find references when the image doesn't change or move. 

Now I'm just in the unique position that I have like 10-12 images left to add to the game and I got no clue where to put them. I didn't design the events with that much freedom in mind. I guess at least it gives me more than enough room to add some smaller random events like I always wanted. So... Get ready to walk in on a naked cheerleader that's not really part of the game - or something.

So... Yeah, the Tl;dr of this update is basically: Holy shit there is a lot of stuff next patch.

- Leroy



Klutz Lament

I kinda want more Bueno Nacho content. I've been looking forward to ordering Kim and Monique around in progressively skimpier outfits.


Same. There will be more work content in a few patches. I've just been a bit too busy focusing on story stuff xD But I do know the work stuff is popular, and I like it a lot too.


We are in desperate need of more Bonnie! Really hope we get some good Bonnie content!


Soon. I'll be working on Bonnies paranoid route since its embarrassingly far behind her other route ^^'