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Ey, what's up everyone? How have you been? I'm finally done with all my christmas things and back to working on this stuff. It's incredible how much you can miss work of all things - although that might be because I don't really see this as work. It's really more of a hobby that just happens to have a following.

Anyways, patch is going well. I had some days where I didn't work on it - as implied - but that doesn't mean I don't do anything at all. When I had some free time, I kinda just sat down and wrote out the key points. Dunno if I've ever told you about how I actually do these patches and why it seems like I "write" characters over and over. Well, you see, its in stages.

First: I make up a draft of the story. Usually written very stupidly, with a mix of dialogue and just stuff I tell myself. It's messy, but it has the story. A lot of this I can write very fast, and in many cases I have it written during previous patches cause its easier (and better) to write one long story that spans several patches, than to focus on just what's relevant now and then add onto it later. I've tried it, it gets messy. This is also where I outline what kind of images I want from my artist - usually moreso making sure there aren't too many.

Secondly: I take all of this, and I write it into steps. If I have a line that says "MC buys a thing for Kim and then she meets him at school probably around afternoon or some shit and then something happens" (that's a real outline I wrote), then this is where I figure out what is bought, what time it is and what happens. In many cases, this is where I end up making 1 thing into multiple steps. One time I made 1 sentence into 5 steps when put in context. This is usually where I realize that I indeed have too many images and need to cut some of them down.

Thirdly: I write the keypoints of each step like bulletpoints so I know what I'm writing towards.

and lastly, I write the actual dialogue - this is what actually takes time.

Currently, I'm in the middle of the first and second parts, depending on what girl we are talking about. Around the start of next month (cause new years n shit), I'll start step 4 (step 3 takes like 15 minutes, I barely count it)

... Why did I write all this again? Well, I guess someone asked me about it a while ago, so this is for you then.

Anyways, point is, patch is going well. I can't really talk too much before the current patch is out for everyone (or at least everyone paying since it goes pretty far into next month before its free). 

Strange post - Unusually intelligent for my standard. I've been running on 5 hours of sleep daily for the last few days, that might be why. See you in a while!

- Leroy



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