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Sup everyone? How was your week? I've had a lot of stuff to do.

Next patch is actually pretty far ahead already (relatively), cause I've already planned most of it out while I was making the last one. Gives me a bunch of free time, but I'm actually using it pretty well...By that I mean, I'm planning a sort of surprise. Not sure when it will be ready, but I can't wait for it to be.

Actually so much that I can already kinda tell what the current plan is. The stuff I'm currently working on is a bunch of Shego, a bunch of Tara, a TON of Kim, and... A bit more. Felt pretty nice to take a break from writing Kim after like 4 patches of her having the spotlight.

I'm sorta looking forward to the next popularity poll. It will be some time during summer or maybe just before, who knows. I feel like the lower bracket girls are kinda gaining ground every time. At some point, I'll have them dragged up in popularity.

So, that's really all I have currently. I feel like these posts have slowly gotten longer and longer, and I'd like for that to stop given how rambly they are.

Anyways... Enjoy the picture, I'm a big fan of it. Swimsuits are hot.

- Leroy :D
Changelog: https://mega.nz/folder/wmISHaYI#MGQXA3lbBdEPYrN8F_6Okg



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