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What's up everyone? You heard it right, it's time for the release of Project Possible patch 13 for the 50 dollar tier!

Due to some confusion and a lot of questions last time around, I'm going to be announcing the release for every tier in a post like this. At the same time I'm also gonna be posting the schedule:

50 dollar release
- Today, 10/12
25 dollar release - Wednesday, 13/12
15 dollar release - Sunday, 17/12
10 dollar release - Wednesday, 20/12
5  dollar  release - Sunday, 24/12 (Probably not tho, cause Christmas)
3 dollar   release - Wednesday,  27/12
Free         release - Next month, like... 13/01 or something

I'm almost certain there will be some delays since it is the month that it is. If one release is delayed, it just pushes all the tiers. So you always get it (at least) the expected amount of days before the next tier. I mean... that's sorta the point.

Current release (50 dollar tier): https://www.patreon.com/posts/94420914

Anyways, this is all for now. I hope this clears up any confusion ^^ As for "real" posts, I'm also gonna be making those. If these two hit the same day, I'll merge them.

- Leroy


ps: Right, I wanna address something now that I have the chance ^^' I got asked a few times why 15 dollar patrons don't have access to the 10 dollar (or lower) release's post - One guy got really mad at me even.
The reason for this is simple. If I did give you access, I'd just be spamming your patreon feed with the same link over and over. And I mean, literally the same. I copy paste it. So until patreon gives me the option to not slap it up on your home page, I'm gonna do it like this to not spam you with useless stuff. It DOES make it a bit of a hunt to find the right link if you missed it, but... Patreon doesn't give a better alternative unfortunately.




Can we get a fre changelog?


Right, I should probably post that somewhere, shouldn't I? Imma add that to the next post. https://mega.nz/folder/wmISHaYI#MGQXA3lbBdEPYrN8F_6Okg