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Eyyo what up everyone? It's me once again.

Hows your week going? Mine is just a bunch of work really... Especially yesterday.

Yesterday I wanted to get the game out to my testers, which meant i had to put together all the pieces. Usually that takes quite a while... Well, it took me almost 13 straight hours to do. I barely ate anything the entire day. But, ultimately I got everything done and now all I need to do is pose the dolls, which... i'm not gonna lie, to do that in 3.5 days is an insane undertaking, and then I have all the variants of the different pictures. That is - again - something that takes a while... tldr: I'll make it in time, but I'm gonna exhaust the fuck out of myself. 

Anyhow, eh... For those who didnt read the last post (why?), release will be this sunday.

As you can see, Ann is part of it. She is kind of a funny one, cause she is always the one people ask for, but she is pretty mid in the propularity contests. Are Milf enjoyers just more vocal?

Anywho, this will be my last post until release. I hope youre all doing well and such. I kinda dread the amount of work I have left to do.

Oh, also, this patch has some serious QOL changes, and im excited for those... Also made a bunch of code ready for the future, such as a much better way to do the smalltalk things - which hasnt really been updated cause smalltalks were kinda stupidly made.

Anyways... see ya around

- Leroy

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Klutz Lament

Take care of yourself! The game can wait a few days.


xD Well... I hope it wont have to. With christmas coming up, its already pretty pressed. Im fairly sure one release is even ON christmas itself