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Eyyo what up everybody? I didn't forget that it's time today.

So eh... Game is going well. An anoying thing happened where I wrote a bunch of Ann's stuff and then it got deleted cause of a mistake... I think I wrote that last time? Idk. Well, so anyways I switched to Shego now, and I'm getting somewhere with her. I've reached a bit of a strange problem with her where these last events with her doesn't really have too much filling, as the perv stuff kinda accelerates. In a full playthrough, that makes sense, but from a patch to patch playthrough, that just seems to odd ^^' I mean, it's probably better to just have lots of naked pictures of Shego than it is to have uselss text, but still... It's a weird issue.

Speaking of weird things: This is the only patch since... Idk, a long time, where Kim doesn't really get anything. Really I wanted to build onto her after the last patch, but I also wanted to take a break from her cause she had the spotlight for like 5 patches in a row. I already have an idea of what to do next, but I'll poll for it in a few days probably honestly kinda.

By which I mean, Kim's next part is gonna split into 2 routes again, and in this one, I'm gonna go decently hard on either the love or the... Whatever the fuck you wanna call the non-love part. Like, I've always been kinda forced to keep it pretty in the middle for story reasons, but I'm finally past that. What's more, I'm gonna do the inverse with Monique cause she is currently in the same situation. So if Kim's love route wins, Monique's non-girlfriend route wins, and if Kim's lust route wins, Monique's girlfriend route will get stuff. That's hopefully gonna make people happy, and also not tire me out from writing too much sugary love stuff or too much porn-logic dialogue.

Anyways, that's it for now. I'm just gonna go make the poll now and schedule it for in a cupla days.

See ya

- Leroy




Really? Can't we get a no-girlfriend route? Personally i'd prefer if none of the girls got the 'girlfriend' title, it'd make it easier for all of them to accept their harem role. That said, WHEN CAN WE BRUTALIZE KIM'S ASS?


You have misunderstood something. YOU don't need to pick the girlfriend route for any of them. But this is about what order I make stuff in, not about what will and won't be in the game. As for brutalizing kims ass... Idk, but it can't be that far away :p

Gav In

We need more orals from KIM !!!!


More blowjobs? Ah damn. I guess I have no choice but to add a lot more of them. What a tragedy