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What's up everyone? It's me once again on a friday.

Something great has been made now for the game. I won't show or tell you what it is, however, it's going to be abundantly clear in the next patch. Most of you probably know the story by now. When I first started this game I expected it to be kinda small, so I did a lot of things pretty fast in regards to UI, Maps and generally just the code. For the past long while I've been cleaning that up. Mostly it was just the code, but I've also wanted to change some of the more visual stuff. There's still more to do, but now there's something I'm happy about.

The last few days I've been trying to figure out some sort of medium sized event. You see, I really wanted to make some christmas whatever, but I just don't have time, and unfortunately the US doesn't have any big holidays or celebrations for a good while after new years (and it won't be fun to release them off season), so I'll have to make something non-seasonal. At the moment, I'm kinda debating between a few things, but what do you all say to a weekend camp with all the cheerleaders?
The main difference between an event and the rest of the game is that an event is going to slow down time considerably and likely have more immediate consequences for actions. It's also significantly more convoluted for the same reasons, so that's why I wanna start with something medium sized instead of just taking on all 6/7 girls.  But as I said before, I'm not entirely sure what (or when) it will be.

Work otherwise is going well. I've gotten more or less all the things planned out now even down to the release date. So all I need to do now is just write... Well, and describe images + find references for those and boy that's always tough cause of how many it is. But I somehow always manage it with only mild brain damage along the way.

Anyways... Not the most informative post I've ever made, but that's cause I don't wanna spoil what exactly I have been doing.

I'll be back soon, until then have fun. It's national christmas beer release date today in my country, which basically means it's also national "try not to get alcohol poisoning day". Idk if other countries have something like that, but its pretty dope. Also the beer tastes really bad but it works as an excuse to drink so that's really all that matters.

- Leroy




January 1st is New Years. February 14th is Valentine's Day. 2 right around the corner after Christmas.


Oh hey, I totally forgot about Valntines day. New years is also too close xD


The medium event sounds fun, unfortuntely you did miss the two best ones in Christmas and Halloween... I suppose easter is just around the bend, but that's an awkward one for this kinda game. Other potential events: Valentines Day Homecoming Dance Prom Work Team Building Camp Summer Camp A just more involved Kim Mission Amusement Park (Class Trip)


Eh, I can always make one for next year, tho there's no way I have time for both. Good list tho, I'm gonna save it. I wanna add a bunch of events like that... Just kinda require time to plan out and all that