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What's up everyone? It's me once again, here to be a problem. Unlike my sister though, you chose to know me and I'm gonna make it everyones problem.

Aaaanyways, that aside, it's reaching a new month soon which means I have to send all the drawings to Muplur. It's always such a pain, cause I basically spend 1 month thinking up the patch, and 1 month just writing it, but sometimes I don't quite have the things planned out at the time I need to send those to him.
This time is no different. I know exactly what to do with Shego, but Ann is being a problem. It seems like everything I come up with is a bit unclear or maybe too indepth for this patch - but without a good point where I can break it off. Usually it ends up well, but in the moment its always a pain. Luckily though, I'm one of those people that works better the closer it is to a deadline, so I always magically manage it.

Speaking of Shego, I wrote out her current quest cause I really want it finished - for multiple reasons - and I'm happy to announce that the next 3 patches (and the one that's currently being released) are all going to have a decent amount of green angry goth girl. Some of you might hate it, but I have no clue who that would be tbh cause I'm fairly sure even straight girls has a crush on Shego.

Since I'm starting side quests for some characters next patch, that patch is gonna focus a bit broader. Originally I actually had a bit of content for each and every girl, but that turned out to be too low quality compared to what I want. So after thinking a bit, I scrapped bonnies part and gave Monique some more. All of this is gonna be such a pain when there are more than 6 girls ^_^'

Eeeehh... Anyways.... Have fun.

Oh, and for those of you that wonder where the image up there is from... Play the gosh darn patch!

- Leroy



Mikkel frost møller

i look forward to being able to play the new patch and in the to find out how much Monique is gonna be addicted to mc dick and what content is gonna happen for Shego and Ann


Same. Currently though, Im a bit stumped on what route to start with Moique first xD Her next main mission content is going to be based on the choice with her, and that's always a bit confusing.