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Whats up people? Hows your Monday? I took a vacation from my other job so I've been chilling.

Anyways, I've actually done a whole lot on the game today.
You see, I finally have some time in this patch to focus on some of the smaller things. One of them have for a long time been to update the questlog visually as well as descriptively. So today and yesterday I spent some time revamping it. I hope I can get just a better looking version from my artist, as the current one was just quickly made by me. Anyways, the most important thing is that there are now sidequests. This both takes care (temporarily) of Kim's rather long list of quests, while also making it pretty obvious what parts are important and which aren't... Well, I mean, all of them give some sort of thing, but storywise. The hardest part of doing those things are really just to make them visually indicate that there has been a change. Currently that turned them white, but I wanna change that - or rather, I HAVE changed that.

Patch is still being designed. By which I mean, Ann and Shego are obviously the ones getting the main focus this time around, but I've for the first time in a while gotten some space to just add content that isn't directly storyrelated. Only problem with this though, is that there's just an ocean of options to pick from. I have some ideas, but its honestly sorta hard. especially cause I don't know how many I wanna add. Unfortunately the limited images makes it pretty hard to just add like 10 very quick small events. One day though...

Oh, good news. I'm going to be adding different outfits to the game that the characters will randomly wear. You know how Kim has like 10 different outfits in the cartoon? First up, that's dope. Second up that also means I wanna add them all. The biggest challenge was making sure that repeatable stuff actually also had those outfits, but I found an artist to add those, so its no longer really a problem. Now I just need... You know... The repeatable content and the clothes, which is basically nothing.
And luckily I also talked with someone who will make a list of all the different outfits and stuff.... It really helps a lot to just have lists I can look at whenever I make stuff

Anyways, that's all for now. I As always, I try to keep these small enough that no scrollbar appears. Hope you have a good week.

- Leroy



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