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Eyo, what's up everyone? It's me again.

Next patch is going really well. Lately I've had more energy to pour into it, and all the Kim stuff is more or less finished. It was actually kind of a difficult one, cause what I had to do was incredibly straight forward, which meant I had to spend some time evolving it to not seem bland. Of course, in a new playthrough it would seem just fine as it would come after everything else in one long train, but I try my best to make the game good both as a final product and on a patch by patch basis. I like to believe they kinda feed into eachother though.

I spend a bunch of time the last few days changing code and more importantly, categorizing all the choices. Kinda vague what that means, I know, but basically every choice you make (or at least the majority of them) are saved to be referenced later. I spent a bunch of time going back to find all the choices, and give them a description so I know what the fuck they were about without reading the entire quest once again. As a result, I actually wrote a bunch of events that only trigger if you picked X option (For example, when Monique asks you if you like tits or ass, you obviously get a different payout - or payouts cause I might reference it more than once). My plan here is both to have places where it's just 1 event that can give 2 images, or 2 distinct events for each choice taken. I aim to never have any choices where 1 gives something and another one don't - unless its something very clear like "Leave". More on that some other day.

In a few days I'm going to be polling for the patch after this one. I think it's going to be very interesting. It's a poll about whether you want more Ann or Shego content for that one. Let's say I have 3/3 content. I need to figure out whether Ann or Shego gets 2/3's, and then who get's 1/3. Given the apparent love for both of them, I can't really say who will win. My money is on Shego, but somehow Ann's fanbase seems much more... Insistent. Might be a Patreon only poll - We'll see.

Anyhow, that's all for right now. Still not quite done with figuring out the whole animation vs images thing - for anyone that's wondering. See you in a few days

- Leroy



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