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Whats up people? Having a good week? It's almost Friday you know, so that's pretty dope.

For those of you that haven't joined the discord yet: Firstly... Why :(? Secondly, the release for 25$ has happened yesterday. If you're interested go check that out. 

Anyways, I'll try to actually have something interesting to say this time around... Eh, lets see... Ah yeah, you remember that poll about Shego vs Ann? Welll, as you might or might not know, Shego won by a landslide (or rather by like 0.5% or something). But what is this patch I've started work on now actually going to be about?

Well let's start with Shego... The goal is to get her out of the house without actually running away, so she can go and make some evil, and make it seem like she hasn't just been imprisoned for weeks. The hard part is just to make sure she is well trained enough to actually come back. And that training is pretty much the goal. It has already started in the currently released patch, and It's aiming to reach it's end during the patch I'm making now. However, I have already extended it once, so its possible that it will be extended. Who knows. All it really means is just more porn, cause I never extend any of the things without adding some... "Purpose" to them. I already have a lot of the stuff afterwards planned out. Trust me, its gonna be pretty much a masterpiece - and I'm rarely super confident in anything I create.

Okay enough Shego, what about Ann?
Well, last time we saw her, she was very keen on trying new things that made her heart hammer - even though the things were relatively simple. Goal is to continue that until it's suddenly not so simple anymore. Ann is kinda funny, cause she is clearly behind everyone else in terms of total amount of content, but its also very quick in terms of getting somewhere. Ultimately I want everyone to have the same amount of content (and kim to have more than that), but Ann's progress is just staggered since its so fast. Ann is one of those girls where I'm looking forward to all the side quests and things like that, cause her story is moreso about exploring and experiencing, rather than progressing towards some goal... By all that I mean I'm gonna find an excuse to throw her into a pool in a hot swimsuit at some point.

Anyways, that's all for now. I still had more to say, but I have another post in like 3 days so I'm not exactly in a hurry to make these super long.

Enjoy the patch!

- Leroy

Ps: Great image, right?




Hmm... i'd love to see some extended nudity for all the girls, like in the way Bonnie must call you Master at all time.