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New patch currently released for $10+: https://www.patreon.com/posts/project-possible-87842642

Eyo what's going on everyone? You good? Great, me too. Except I've been getting like 6 hours of sleep for a week cause I'm very bad at going to bed when I need to. Anyways...

Next patch has is going well, I've been working hard on figuring out what parts to add to this coming patch, and I've hit a funny problem... That being that next patch has a ton of porn content based on what I've already made - but sorta kinda low on story content.
This happens once in a while when several questlines come to an end at the same time, and its probably going to happen more and more as time goes on and less reticence is going around. I'll figure it out. It's most certainly easier to add more story content than to add more porn stuff cause you can't just throw in porn everywhere, but you can easily just extend some story.

You know, I need to figure out where to add some more non-naked pictures in this game. Mostly cause at some point I'm going to run out for these patreon posts.... Sure, most of them currently has at least panties on, but the vast majority of images are topless, and that makes it harder for me to figure out what to use.
I've been thinking of some strip images, cause tbh I think the game needs some of that. I dont think there's ever really any undressing depicted. mostly they just magic new clothes on.

There's going to be a poll I'm looking forward to soon(ish). Not for the patch I'm currently working on, but for the one after. It's going to be all of you voting on whether Shego or Ann should get the most content that patch - and I'm excited to see the result. Shego always beats Ann in the popularity contests I make, but it seems like the Ann fans are just way more hardcore. That's gonna be fun to see. Also going to be the first girl vs girl poll. Might be patron only - haven't thought that far.

Anyhow, that's all for now. It's always strange that I have to keep these relatively short, but I seem to manage to keep it so.

- Leroy




"...you can't just throw in porn everywhere," Well that's just axiomatically false.