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So, it's been a while, ey?

Last update was damn near a month ago... Well, update post. Cause in case you missed it, updates for the game started last week at 50 dollars, and right now it has released for 15 dollars!

So, let me see... What can I actually talk about? It's always so awkward when a few people have played the patch but a lot haven't.

I guess... How come an update post took me so long to make? Well, believe it or not, but it's actually cause I worked way harder on this patch than I had any reason to do ^^' It just kept growing in size. But I've talked about that. Basically, the time I wasn't outside, I was probably working on that patch... it was just way too big, cause it happened to have a lot of story for a few different characters just pounded together at the same time. That happens, just like sometimes the opposite happens and there's just a ton of payoffs (aka sexy stuff) without much for me to actually write.

So anyways, what's actually in it?
Well, the patch is a bit funny in that the main amount of content is on Tara and Shego, but the majority of pictures are on Kim.

Speaking of Kim, she is gonna have the main character privilege and be the star of not just this patch, but the next and especially the next (aka, patch 10, 11 and 12). As you might have guessed, Kim got a whole lot on her love patch last time, and now it's time for the lust stuff to catch up.

I won't spoil stuff, but people have been asking about the big banner on my patreon with Kim in chains... and let's just say it's not designed like that for no reason.


So, what am I working on now?

See, this is what I dislike, cause most of you haven't played the patch, so I'm already talking about stuff that's more than 1 patch ahead of what you can currently access. It's super awkward.

Anyways, I'm still planing the patch 11. But as I wrote above, Kim is gonna be the star, however, while I haven't planned it out yet, Ann is gonna be the secondary focus. I know how many fans the milf version of Kim has, and she will get her time too :p

Ann is a bit funny, cause she is the only character where I've planned out the entire later stage of the game, instead of starting from the start. But, for reasons that would spoil patch 11, I'll have more time to focus on her starting now.

So all you milf fans... Rejoice.

Obviously those aren't the only two getting stuff, but I'll wait with the rest for some other time.

I also want to still update several things, most of all the questlog. Just turns out that several hundred contextually significant lines are kinda hard to just clean up. But I got Kim's done, and she by far has the most shit that needed rephrasing.
That said, I also want to split the questlog into main quests and side quests. It hasn't really been relevant before, and it will be a little bit. But there will be a time in the not so far future where side quests will start popping up more while the main quests slow down. That, in short, means less heavy story, more comedy - for those that are into that. I've always promised I wanted to make the world more sandboxy, it just took much longer to get there than I expected.

Anyways, that's all for now I think. As always I wanna do these with satisfying frequency, so lets see if I can keep it this time. My ability to post these really swings a lot based on how much work a patch requires.


15 dollar peeps, go here if you haven't seen it:


- Leroy

Also, those who haven't seen it, go check out the comics I'm makingwith my friend on https://www.patreon.com/UntExp . New one looks superb




Welp guess im upgrading 😂