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What's popping everyone? It's me, once again.

How have ya'lls weekend been? Mine has been pretty neat.

For those of you that haven't seen it, update is right now out for $5 dollars!


Anyways, what's there to update on... Let's see...

How's work going for next patch?
Well, a lot of you haven't even tried the new patch yet, but work for patch 0.10 (I think that's gonna be the numbering) is actually going really well. I'm already quite a bit ahead. I'm not sure what happened, but the end of patch 0.9, I just felt like I wasn't done, despite it being filled up, so I jumped straight into making 0.10

And I'm telling you, it's gonna be a good one. At least from what I've currently written.

It's gonna finish or at least temporarily finish Bonnie's eh... "Walks". There might be more later on. There probably will be, but for now that's going to come to a close while her other patch catches up.

Then Tara is going to start something new. You'd think all problems with her was solved last patch, but she is still too arogant.

Shego is finally at the point where she is breaking down

And it's finally time to answer Monique. Also to figure out why she is so obsessed...

Now, that's not really all of the patch. I still have room for more stuff in it, but that's where I am at at the moment. Kim and Ann still needs to be written in, but I'm looking for where to go next with them. Kim has a route that needs to catch up, and Ann... Well, she will come in due time.


Now, there are some updating on the schedule, and I'm going to update the tiers to reflect it.

Currently, the game is relased on the last sunday of every second month (at least I try to). Then, it's released every 3 days. However... If you're smart, you will relaize that there are 7 days in a week, yet 2 releases only fills out 6 days.

So for the future, I'll be releasing with a cadance of 3 days, 4 days, 3 days, etc (or maybe 4, 3, 4). This is simply just to keep it to specific days, especially cause some days just have people being busy (For example, on fridays, only about half the people actually read stuff... Which makes sense, its god damn friday).

So... Yeah. Is how it is.


Poll results!

For anyone who didn't see it
I made this poll a few days ago: https://www.patreon.com/posts/poll-should-get-81418909

Ultimately, and unsurprisingly, lipstick won.

However, it seems like a lot of people actually felt like instead of just adding it in, it should be a quest/event/thing.

I get that, and so... That's what I'm gonna do. It does mean it will likely take a bit, since I'd have to pair it up with some actual images to eh... "Showcase" the fact that she now has lipstick.

It's probably not going to be optional, cause then literally every new shego picture would need to have 2 versions, and that's just not it for such a small detail.

Anyways, that's all for now!

I'll be back in a while.

- Leroy

Ps: Mycelial network.



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