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What needs more polish? Multiple choice Poll

  • Improve questlog 175
  • Improve Music 9
  • Create a phone specific UI 26
  • Add some kind of tracker for everyone 175
  • Misc. (Comment down below) 5
  • 2023-02-01
  • 390 votes
{'title': 'What needs more polish? Multiple choice Poll', 'choices': [{'text': 'Improve questlog', 'votes': 175}, {'text': 'Improve Music', 'votes': 9}, {'text': 'Create a phone specific UI', 'votes': 26}, {'text': 'Add some kind of tracker for everyone', 'votes': 175}, {'text': 'Misc. (Comment down below)', 'votes': 5}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 2, 1, 22, 20, 42, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 390}


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Sup everyone, it's ya boi.

So, how is everyone doing? Good? Good.

Today I have this poll I came up with. You see, I want the game to be as good as possible, and that generally means going back and polishing stuff. A good example of this is Kim's current "smalltalk"... Button?

For context, pressing smalltalk used to just be "Hey, here is a random thing she says", but some people thought that that meant you just had to keep pressing it and eventually something new would happen. Now, its a choice menu with the topics. In a way, that also makes it easier for me to develop on. I'll get around to them all at some point, but now I can get some user engagement.

The reason I'm telling you all all this, is because I simply don't have the time to improve everything between patches.

Therefore, I want a general overview of what people think are lacking. Comically, despite plenty of reviews on certain sites, plus lots of encouragement, I know basically nothing about the shortcomings of this game from a player perspective - unless you count grind and I personally think that the grind is very minimal.

Only other thing I know of is the questlog That one confuses a lot.

So anyways, I'm going to now list and explain the different options.


Improve the questlog. Pretty simple - it means I'm going to take some of the development time and spend it on improving steps to be more clear. Now, I'm gonna make this very clear - It is STILL not going to be a step by step walkthrough.
By which I mean, it won't be like "Go to [location] at [time] and talk to [character]", but I do admit that sometimes its far too vague or literally not saying anything. But the sheer amount of text and steps from the entire collective game makes it very hard. It's like trying to remember a thousand lines of lyric... You think you remember it, but you don't.

Improve the music Okay, this one haven't ever had a complaint, but I know myself that it's off. I'll let you in on a secret... I play all porn games on mute. This game was also 5 seconds away from just having no music, but my artist told me I should add it. I don't regret adding it, but I know for a fact that its done very half-heartedly... Cause I'm the one that did it. Quite a few places doesn't have unique music, and one day that will change. Please don't pick this option.

Create a phone specific UI. Right, so by this I mean a UI specifically made for people who play on their phones. Apparently the default renpy buttons are very hard to hit, and some are even missing? I'm not gonna lie, this won't take me all that long to make. However, neither does a crossword, but if you have to do it while also building a house, suddenly you might not have the time.

Lastly, and most vaguely add some kind of tracker for everyone. I know, very eloquently put. Anyways, this one is in my head probably the lowest priority, cause it won't matter much at the moment. Atm, what it would do is simply give you a list that tell you where the girls are hanging out individually, but then later on give an overview of stats. Now, those stats - at the moment - doesn't do all that much. They change some dialogue here and there, but they don't matter all too much right now.
However, I do have some more stats that are a bit more binary (which makes them far easier to design with) which I want to add - Yes, I did indeed find a way to add even more bullshit to this game! They will be far easier to create if the way to show them already exists... and it's some lewd shit, I tell you what.

Lastly, there's the misc/user suggestions... Press it if you like it. Without a comment to follow, it really won't matter. Remember these are mainly QOL updates. There's no point in asking for more straight up content here, cause that's not what it's about. If you want a cheat that does something, this is also where you can add it.

Ps: No, I cannot add some kind of "Jump to latest patch" button. The amount of choices this game has makes that damn near fucking impossible, and it would have more bugs than a corpse - simply due to stuff I didn't notice.


Anyways, That's it for now. Remember it's just a priority list. Most of this shit I will get around to... Maybe except music. I wouldn't be surprised if I finished this game, looked at the music and just went "Eh, they haven't noticed".

That's it for now. Remember you can pick as many options as you want. It's not a contest, it's just kind of a way for me to know what matters to you people.

- Leroy

ps: How come animals decided to be made of food? Wouldn't it be a better survival tactic to be made of rock? Or like... Be born with a gun? They're pretty bad at staying alive imo.



> What needs more polish? Poland


> Misc. (Comment down below) Pay your employees


If you're my employee, does that mean I can start demanding more stuff from you? Interesting