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Hey everyone, It's me again.

How are you all doing? Have you had a good christmas or whatever you celebrate? I hope you did.

Personally, I have been stupidly busy. A lot of you might have noticed that I haven't made update posts at all for december before now, and yeah, that's kinda my bad ^^' Truth is it's always a bit strange to make update posts in the middle of rolling out an update to the different tiers. Especially cause it means I have very little to really say. This time around, it was even worse cause it was christmas and I had a ton of things to do. My workplace also got more busy, so there was that.

Anyways, enough about that. All I can do there is just remember to make more. I should try coming up with an update post schedule or something

How's the game and stuff and things?

Well, I think it's appropriate to start with... What's the next patch about?

Next patch is going to be largely about Shego - I know a lot of you will be happy about that. 2 patches ago, I began a quest with her, and now its time to finish that. I had expected to do so last patch, but I realized I didn't have the time to make it as well as I wanted it to be. So, I pushed it to now where I can focus more on it.

Outside of that, it's now time to put the finishing touches on Tara's - very long - ongoing quest. You can make your guesses about what that means, but the point is that it's gonna reach its conclusion now. Will she move out afterwards, or stay or what is going to happen? I'm not telling.

One thing I am happy about in relation to Tara though, is that a lot of people have said that have begun to really like her. People use all sorts of words to describe it, but she is probably the one that is mentioned the most when people review or compliment the game - and most of it can be summed up to "She grew on me a lot". She is the closest to an entirely original personality this game have, so she was quite the gamble.

Then, we will also have some Kim stuff and some Ann stuff. While Tara and Shego takes up the majority, there's still quite a bit left for these two. I'll probably start some kind of quest... Or maybe make some smaller random events. It all depends on what seems the most natural. This is about pictures and scenes btw. I've also finally found the time to update and upgrade the smalltalk things. 

On the topic of those... Yes, all of them do actually go into something. Whether that's a smaller or maybe a bigger event has yet to be seen. But they aren't there just to be cute.

How is the next patch coming along?

Better than you'd expect, given I had to stay completely off of making it for like a week or 2. I still expect it to be done at the end of next month (likely the last sunday of january, for 50 doubloon patrons)

Because a lot of this patch is filled with pictures behind the dialogue, rather than dolls, I have way more effective time, as posing the dolls usually takes about as much time as writing the scenes. Without that, I have what... Twice the time to actually write stuff? Something like that. I'm not a math scientist.

As for the drawings... Well, you all know Muplur by now. He will have it done in time. I've yet to see him need more time for the stuff I ask him to draw, which is very impressive.

Okay, random questions I've gotten asked:

The banner on my patreon where Kim is in chains doesn't happen in the game. Will it happen? The answer to that is... Yes. It will happen, don't worry about that. It's not that far away either.

Will we have a route where we can choose not to be evil with the girls? Honestly, I wouldn't even count what we are currently doing as "evil", but I get that it means if there is a way to not eventually have to backstab all of the girls... And yes, there will be. There will be a happy ending for every girl... Actually, there will only be that, but brainwashing hentai ends happily usually, so there are different things this can mean.

Okay, I actually still have a whole bunch of stuff I could update on... But this post is going to be a masters thesis if I cram it all into here. Instead, I'll save it for the next update post... I'll make sure to make these more frequently, and probably have a schedule. Actually, I might just make a poll about it... Yeah, that's a good idea... Give me a moment...


Okay, there. Go vote in it.

I'll be back in not that long with the rest of the crap I have to say.

Stay fresh

- Leroy




I know it's spoiler territory, but may I ask if you are planning for different endings depending on how you play?


Yes. Not sure exactly how im gonna do it, but there will be between 2 and 16 endings... Whether i decide to take each individual girls path into accout or somehow collect the majority