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What's up everyone, how are you doing? It's ya boy.

So... What's been going on? Well, the last few days, I've been down with a cold. Really destroyed my easter lunch with the family, so that's kinda big suck.

On a positive note, that meant i could take this time off work, and the week after easter is always the worlds most stressful. Instead, I spent a lot of the time on PP, since being in front of my pc takes less energy than walking around a warehouse. Only the past 2 days tho, as I was out cold tuesday.

Anyways, enough of that... How is the game going? Pretty well, actually. Just yesterday I finished the biggest part of the patch - that being Kim focused - and it ended up very good in my own opinion. 

So now it's time to focus on what usually ends up being the next half of the patch.

There are some other good news... Remember how I've said i only have a certain amount of art i can request pr patch? Well, the number went up. Im not exactly sure how thats going to be used  yet, but the more the better.

Next month, said art is going to start getting made, and im excited for it. As the game progresses, the amount of stuff that makes sense to show obviously also increases. There is some good stuff planned for this one - in my opinion.

So, when is the release? Well, usually id say next month, but due to the strange half release thing I did last month, i kinda got 2 weeks knocked off, so im a bit behind on writing... Or rather, i started behind on time. No matter though, it wont delay the patch very noticeably - especially cause of my habit of working more the less time i have... I learned that in school cuz homework.

So, that's really everything. No picture today, cause im on my phone (And all spelling mistakes will be blamed on autocorrect), so i dont have any. As mentioned, i was sick, so i wasnt in the mood for posting, but if i dont do it now, i wont be able to before monday.

So, thats all. Hope you had a good easter.

Stay fresh

- Leroy


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