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Hey there, it's me... Leroy.

Between the title and the image that is completely unlike anything else I've posted, did I manage to confuse all of you? I hope so.

Anyhow, the title is actually not a joke. Here around the end, I like to give a release date for you all, but of course, I have to be sure I can keep it. So, I asked Muplur, and he gave me this funny idea.

This friday (which for me is like... 36 hours away), I should know exactly when the game can be released, which means it's pretty close. I could have just waited a few more days to post but... I already feel like it has been far too long since my last post, and I'm not sure where the time went.

Now, with all the practical stuff out of the way... What exactly are we looking at here? Well, believe it or not, but it's actually part of the game (or at least a sketch of it). As I've already told you once before, this patch will give the player character an actual reason to focus on every girl - not just Kim - , instead of just standing passive while they approach him. The picture is related to that, and I wonder if anyone can come with a guess that's close to the truth.

It will soon be time to focus on the next patch, and I can't wait to work on that one. Finally done with intros, gotten a motive, and hopefully I don't have to spend too many more days fixing random edge case bugs - Not that I dislike fixing bugs, but even if I theoretically spend a week fixing something, you guys will never notice it, which makes me feel like I just got a week behind on actual content.

Anyhow, now I'm just rambling about programmer stuff, and I'm going to be back in a few days anyways.

So see you in a bit, and I'm excited to release all this.

- Leroy

PS: You're probably going to have to replay the game if you want the questlog to work correctly. But with that in mind, I made sure go to back and fix every place in the story that broke the flow, so it shouldn't be a problem.




Yes can’t wait to hear more and play the new update and thanks for the heads up on the story and hope you are having a great day.


Heh, no problem. As a creator its fun to have other people play it. I hope your days are great too ^^