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How are you all doing? It's me, comming at you again with updates, progress and such.

So how's progress?
Progress is going well. Currently I'm doing some random events, cause unlike last patch, I have the time to add some... Less important things for fun. One such thing is right in the picture.

I know some people were asking me if they missed some stuff on the beach, given I made a post before the release of last patch showing that off, but it never made it in due to some time problems.

This time however, they will be there and yes, that means more than one.

Mechanically speaking, its also a lot easier to add now that the game has weekdays. There was no good time to put the girls anywhere but school previously.

Will all girls get content next patch?
Yes, all of them will get some content. Some more than others, and you know who those are
However, we still have stuff to finish that got started in the last version.... And new stuff to begin.

Well, no problems there. I think I've explained this before, but since the patch itself is smaller for times sake, the amount of drawings for a single mission or whatever has gone up. I had the ability to go  back into Moniques event (which i wrote for patch 2, but cut), and actually add more drawings to it.

Are there no new girls after Kims mom?
I already have my sights on 2 other girls, however they won't be introduced this or next patch. They are a bit less main content than what we currently have. To be honest though, I'm sure the game will end up having at least a single appearance from most girls that has appeared in the series.

So, anyways. That's all I have to say for today. Don't mind the fact that senior is once again wearing his full outfit to the beach - it's not going to stay that way.

Stay cool, and I hope everyone have a great monday. I have 2 days off this week from my work... Which is odd since we are more busy than literally ever before, but whatever, I like having days off.




Can’t wait to see the new update and hope you are having a wonderful day.


I'm having a lot of fun with it :D Fleshing out characters is far more rewarding than just introducing them