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Hey, how are you all doing?

So, like the title says, the next patch is pretty close to being out. Muplur has been working none-stop the last few days on getting the visuals done, and I'm personally not far from being finished with everything I needed to do.

This patch is going to be relatively big, and i hope you will all enjoy what's in it. Here are some good news for the future though... Even though we have to now make patches smaller to actually release them at a reasonable rate, the amount of full drawings in them won't change, as that's not dependent on me. So it's very likely that the patch after this one and onwards might be smaller, but have a much higher quality when it comes to visualization. Simply because I'm going to have the space to add some drawings in places where I deemed it unnecessary before.

I don't have much more to say, cause I actually have to leave in a moment. Didn't want to wait though, cause otherwise i wouldn't have been able to make this update before tomorrow.

So Tl:dr: Update soon, and it's going to be a large one.

So stay fresh

- Leroy




Should play the game before the second update comes out >.>


Yes this update looks promising and made my day, also hope you are having a wonderful day.


Hopefully its as good as it looks xD My day was great. Work was pretty chill. Hope your day is good too