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What's up everyone?

I couldn't find a good frame to take a picture of this time around, so i used one of the sketches that won't be too spolier-y. After all, whether this is the main story or a small random event, none of you know yet. It's cute tho.

Gotta be honest, I completely forgot the time. I thought I posted like 7 days ago, but... Nope. Apparently not. Anyways.

So, how are we doing with the game?
Pretty good, pretty good. Just gone done with adding most dolls for the main events, which as i always say takes significantly longer than doing it for the smaller events. Mostly because they branch so much, that I usually make at least twice the amount that you see in the game. Outside of the story, I'm currently setting up shops (Yes, plural). Ofc, the first patch will only have a handful of items - since i hate when games have items that does nothing - but i expect that to grow a bunch every single patch.... Cause items opens up fun options for dialogue.

I've made the first small event with CGI's (bigass picture) in it.
There will always be a bunch of them that are just for jokes or for exposition, but as we continue into the game, more and more of them are going to be perverse enough to qualify for some custom pictures, and that's hopefully gonna be really fun to randomly find or activate.

Some people have requested stuff like stats on the girls.
Numeric values on how many points they have of love and lust and whatever else is in this game. I wanna say that I've decided to add those. Unfortunately, this patch is already planned, so that won't be in before the 3'rd one. But don't worry... as it is now, they barely matter. After all, there hasn't been too many chances to get any kind of points.

That's probably it for now. If you can't tell, i rarely plan these things out. I just kinda say what I find interesting, but people seem to like it enough.

I'll try to actually write before we're halfway done with the month next time ^^' Having a job is really rough... When I'm reborn one day, I wanna be born as someone rich.

But for now, hope you're all doing well.

Bye bye

- Leroy




Good to hear from you this news update made my day and hope you are having a great day, also happy Fourth of July everyone.


No problem man ^^ Im happy you look forward to the game so much. My day is fine. Pretty chill, finally got to do a whole bunch of work on the game. Happy 4'th of july to you too


Eww.. SFW drawing >_<