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Hello everyone. As promised yesterday, i'm back with a regular post. I still have moving boxes everywhere, but it's fine. I'll get them packed out over the next 6 months as i realize what items I need.

So, todays subject... Tara. She is kind of a black horse, cause she is by far the character with the least amount of screentime in the series. She is exactly enough in it to be remembered, but outside of just being happy and friendly, she doesn't really have a character.

That leaves room for a bit more imagination. If you've read the textbox, you've probably already realized that Tara is kind of slut. For reasons that will be explained, she very quickly starts gunning for the player. I mean, how hard can it be for her? Usually she gets guys just by looking at them. But, as of yet, no one has been enough for her.

That said, like in the series, she is still a good girl. She is friends with everyone and will do everything she can to help. Thing is... She thinks everyone is as good as she is, so she is not very hard to fool.


So, the game, how far is it? Actually really far. I'm still not entirely sure I have enough time left to post all the girls' bios, but of course, with Easter right around the corner, who knows. I would say something like "The game should be done this month", but unless i could literally release it tomorrow, I know that would just bring me bad luck.

As I've said more than once... I made the game way bigger for a first patch than I ever expected to. Let's just say that its really getting there.

Anyways. I hope you all have a good Easter, or vacation or whatever you're going to be doing for the next few weeks.

- Leroy

Ps: Tara is not some kind of psycho (at least not a murderous one). I've been asked that twice already.




Good to see some progress on the characters and nice to hear about your moving to the new house ,hope you have a nice Easter weekend.


Haha. Yeah. It's unfortunate I can't do like an artist and just show a lot of pictures in these posts :p Would be much more visible progress. Have a good Easter and or vacation yourself too ^^