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How's it going everyone!?

It's me once again, here to talk about what has been going on.

First up, we had a poll last week, didn't we?

Well, the results were closer than I expected. I've already started writing the fox costume thingy.

Comically, I actually wrote the ball gag thing first, and believe me, for being relatively tame its something a lot of you are going to appreciate - with guest appearance and all kinda stuff. Sucks though, ya gonna have to wait 3 patches.

When they are all done, I'm gonna make it so that whatever you chose in the game is what's gonna happen first. That way I also don't need to railroad the timeline for using them.

Some people asked to use all of it at once, and to that I answer... Probably? Likely gonna be at the very end of it all.

Anyways! The other thing's I've been doing is continue the work events.

They are kinda hard to make cause they can't be super big, but I don't want them to feel flimsy either. Currently writing some stuff for another one of those night shifts with Monique, and its turning out to be pretty hot if you like a horny work environment.
Next is for Kim to also want a raise, but she has her whole costume business to take care of this patch.

Of course, on top of that we have the Bonnie stuff I made last week, and the end of Tara's questline which even includes a second girl in it - in an unspecified way.

Man, everyone seems to get a bunch of content this patch.

Anyways, that's the update for now. I've written stuff far into the next patch as well, so that should be easier when it comes - plus more coherent.





the stalker7315

End of Tara's as in no more Tara after this?


nah, just the current thing that has been going on for a while where she wanted to get screwed