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Eeey, yo what up people?

Been a week. I've been doing stuff.

I've kinda run into a problem. I'm not entirely sure what to put in the patch next. I got about half of it filled with Tara and Bonnie, but that leaves half of it. I'm thinking about more work stuff or Ann stuff, but adding both of them would still leave me with a bunch of extra space... Oh well, I'll figure it out.

The strange part about doing some more Bueno nacho stuff is that I'll have to figure out where it fits into the story. As I've said before, I'll have to turn back time and kinda add it on like a lego piece. But, if I have to do Bonnies Paranoid route - which is significantly behind anyways - it might be a good time. A lot of you probably don't have a save with Bonnie on that route... I should add somewhere where it says which route you're on.

I've been figuring out the drawings as well. I'm sure the parts I do have figured out will be something you all like. It includes a girl that has a strangely big fanbase for no actual reason. I think they have gotten better and more consistent as time has gone on. Maybe Muplur finally settled more into a style, not sure if its that or what.
Of course, I should also add all the pinup drawings - I haven't forgotten those.

In any case, another thing is, due to summer next patch is gonna be delayed a bit. It's nothing major, but you've seen how I basically make my artist die every second month. It's time for him to have a break as well. I'll give more info about this during this month.

Summer is a good time to have a break though. Usually I don't go into subs and such, but if any of you want to create a patreon, then here is a tip... The 6'th and 7'th months are the worst (and 4-5 are comically the best by far). Most people are outside or on vacation, instead of sitting inside playing porn games (I know, the fucking audacity, right fellas?). So if you ever have to do some QoL changes or make a bigger patch - or just take a break, then these months are perfect for it. That wasn't planned on my part, it just happened due to Muplurs own plans.

Anyhow, that's all for now. I think this was long? Not sure. See you at some point soon




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