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Eyyo, what's up everybody?

Time for the 3 dollar release! I should have released it a while ago, but between easter and some tax stuff, I've not had the time.

So, here you go: https://www.patreon.com/posts/101554528

Anyways, what's new? Well, work is going well. I got a ton of it done yesterday, and then I ate some food that I probably shouldn't have and basically made myself feel really sick... Good thing its not the first time.

This time around I'm getting the main part of the patch done first, and it is more or less done now. Ngl, I've probably pushed it a bit too far and it's gonna be a rough release - but when have that ever not been the case? I would get out more unhurt from a fucking MMA fight than I do from a release. I'm still not sure about the release date, but this month has always been the aim.

Drawings are also progressing smoothly. I just got over half of them in sketch form, and for the most part they seemed really great. It is A LOT of angry green woman pictures, god damn.


Yeah, I'm still not done with setting it up. I haven't had time for it yet, but I'm gonna do it here in april. Basically all the comments on that post (https://www.patreon.com/posts/subscribestar-101208819) agreed that it was a good idea to diversify cause patreon is very unpredictable at the moment. When the time comes, I'm gonna make a few posts about it.

Also, thanks to everyone who was like "I don't use it but I'd follow you there". Means a lot ^^ I didn't even put that as an option cause it never crossed my mind.

Anyways, that's all for now. Very plainly informative post I'd say. See ya in a while.

- Leroy



Tom Ristenbieter

question there is one side quest i still have with kim the quest is called "Outside" and it says "i will jsut have to write to her one of these days" no matter what i do the quest wont start

Skrukken Studios

Sooo did ya attend work again tonight although you’re unwell? :p


Yeah, but its gold, right? Mean its done. It only has that single step at the moment. It's just something set up for later on