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New patch currently released for $10+:


Eyyo, what up everyone? Guess what, its my birthday today! Now im old '_'

Anyways, screw that. Birthday has never really been my thing.

So, some good news... I've finally figured out how to do all the tax crap for patreon (i dont think ive told this?), and basically, now I'm able to - theoretically - quit and just do this game for a living. Only hurdle is... I need to grow a bit more.

I live in the north, and pay an insane amount of taxes, which is fucked up but currently nothing i can change. Hopefully, ill be where i need to be next year. To give you an idea: I technically earn enough to survive with just patreon... But not much more. Still, just paying rent and food and stuff is already impressive for something i originally made just as a sideproject.

Thats also why im interested in seeing how monthly releases works in that regard with this patch made now.

What about the game? Well, nothing new. Im working on it, muplur is starting the drawings - its gonna be amazing. But still, since theres nothing new, i was thinking it made sense to use the time on a more real update.

Hope you have a great weekend

  • Leory




Happy Eviction Day


Well, I’d like some bigger tits and ass options….like a big tits and ass raygun…..