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Every day that I spend with the Hero of Hyrule is a day filled with the most fantastic events.

The things I have experienced in this short while traveling with him cannot compare to all the years I spent studying ruins on my own.

As if that was not a blessing enough, Link and I have started to share a more intimate bond. It happened one night when he was just lying his soft body next to mine, we just had a delicious dinner and dessert prepared by him and we were simply enjoying each other's company in the quiet. I could feel his body radiating warmth next to mine, my heart was filled with joy, but my brain was certainly not doing the thinking that night. The moment I turned my face to him and I saw his soft smile, his beautiful eyes and round cheeks, I just couldn't contain myself any longer. I grabbed him and pulled him into a kiss. His lips were even softer than I imagined. The kiss felt tender and full of yearning. My heart was fluttering, I was nervous, I just had kissed the Hero of Hyrule and I was not sure how he was going to react. When I finally pulled away, I was greeted by an unexpected sight. Link's face was not that of anger, nor shyness, no... it was something else, something I have seen before when he was out there in the wild. I was now his prey and he was ready to go all out. 

I've never experienced lovemaking as wild ever in my life before that night. His stamina, dexterity and skills are simply legendary. I couldn't help but wonder just how experienced he truly was, despite his naive and soft looks. I wondered if I was good enough for him despite my changed physique. I was no longer the chiseled archeologist he met, truly I had become quite stronger thanks to his dexterous cooking skills, but also pudgier.

I however soon learned that he in fact quite enjoyed my transformed looks, which is a relive because I too also enjoy my body much more like this.

Of course we have not forgotten our mission! Truly we might have spent quite a lot of time exploring and enjoying ourselves, but we still are committed to solving the mystery of the Zonai and saving the princess.

Just yesterday we visited the Zora's Domain. It was my first time in there, and it was quite the experience. I got to meet Zora Royalty. The new king Sidon and his wife greeted us. They are good friends with Link. I was ecstatic, however, I couldn't help to feel... uneasy. Despite his big smile towards us, it seemed that the King didn't really like me for some reason. Maybe it was just my own nervousness, but it really felt like he was side eying me from time to time, did he maybe think I was untrustworthy? I know my looks are not regal at all, but Link promised me it was ok to visit without any special attire.

I really hope it was just my imagination because tomorrow there will be a banquet and I hope to become better acquainted with the King and Queen. Oh! We are still in Zora's Domain. Link has his own room and human bed here. I guess he spent a lot of time in here before... I wonder why he didn't return here before, everyone here seems to love him.



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