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Sure the first time it was quite shocking to see him brandishing his beloved "Sword-Bread-Knife" the first time he cooked for you at home, but at this point you have completely gotten accustomed to that, and his other quirks. Plus, the food that he makes is always delicious.

After you started dating, he started opening more to you.

Laios is very sweet and caring and also a tremendous glutton. He really uses any excuse he can to cook something delicious but more importantly to eat. Since he now spends most of the time with you he has been going to the gym less and all those calories are catching up to him very quickly.

His new softer look somehow fits him nicely as if he was always meant to be cuddly and squishy. Getting spooned by him has turned in a tremendous delight as his small and soft belly squishes the curve of your back.

He himself doesn't seem to mind the extra weight at all, somehow he looks more confident and outgoing than before. Also his stamina and confidence in bed were affected by this, you are unsure as to why, but he definitely has a higher libido now, specially after a big meal.



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