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Pretty good week, just broke 50k total words in the story. Definitely going to be changing up what happens in the ruins, and make it so the staff gets used by the Naga to open a portal, where the team has to go through and close it. So the overall series will be yet again one book longer. Woot!?!


I pulled Aleks, Vaya, and Jamila off to the side. “So, I have something that literally everyone wants,” I said without preamble, “and I plan to trade it to all of the Soul Strengthening gatherers here.”

“What do you have that my father would want?” Aleks asked, curiosity oozing from her as she leaned in.

“The Legacy includes how Spirit and a few other M’Zee advanced through Soul Strenghtening and reached the next tier of gathering,” I said. “So they want it, almost need it. What should I ask for?”

“Pills and powders to get the others to Seed Core,” Vaya said, her arms around Jamila’s shoulders. “The sooner they advance, the safer we’ll all be on the trip back.”

“Gathering techniques and tempering techniques,” Aleks said. “You should ask for and get their best tempering techniques. I know my father will give you literally anything you could ask for …”

“Including you?” I said with a grin and an eyebrow waggle.

She laughed, and Jamila reached out and poked me in the gut, “Be serious for a bit,” Jamila said with a grin.

“Who me?” I asked, and then had to laughingly deflect a bunch of pokes from all three girls. “Okay, fine. So gathering techniques, tempering techniques, pills and powders to push you all to Seed Core. Anything else? Uh, how about live plants for the garden you wanted to do, Jamila? Anything specific?”

“Make a list,” Librarian Narwan said from beside me, “and then you and I will bring it to the others. This will delay your departure some,but you are correct that it will make you safer. Include in your demands one Aether Ocean Core Burrowing Pill for each of you. It is a Water Affinity pill that only the Ashkhas make, and a dozen will be the entire production for the last two months. They should have them, and if not you will get the promise of more.”

“I do not really want any plants from here,” Jamila said, “It would be too hard to grow them properly in Craesti. The climate is wrong.”

“We could build a greenhouse,” I suggested, “use glass to let in light but hold in heat and humidity.”

“Okay,” she said, smiling brightly, “then I will make a short list for you soon.”

“I will go with you,” Vaya said, “and add anything I would like as well. Thank you, Aiden.”

“Of course,” I said as they both left. I turned to Librarian Narwan, and summoned the Soul Strenghting Gathering Technique Knowledge Stone out of my ring. “Master, please look over this prior to meeting the others.”

“This is it?” He asked. I nodded, and he took it from me gently, then held it to his forehead. Aleks and I waited nervously for a few minutes, when he suddenly dropped his arm. “Thank you. This …” he paused for a second, “was not quite what I was thinking would be the way forward. There is more here to see, and I will ask that I may keep it for the journey across the ocean.”

“Of course,” I said.

He nodded, “Unfortunately, this path would result in a temporary reduction in my, our, power, so it is not extremely useful for the war. The others may argue for a reduction in cost due to this. Do not let them. Now, Lindsay will be delivering crates of food for you to store. Use your ring, use the spatial bags you were given.”

At my confused head tilt, Aleks added, “Sultah Aleahil let everyone keep the bags we took into the Divine Territory as a reward for everything brought back.”

“Yours is in your room, did you not notice it?” Librarian Narwan asked, then laughed. “It seems that our training in observation must continue.”

Aww Light, I thought, then ducked under a smack only to have my knee kicked forward . “I look forward to it, Master Narwan,” I said, getting back to my feet.

“Good! Pack enough food for a month, though Knight Kaminski will probably allow Siarcystcy and Zimnodlot fish. Listen to Knight Kaminski, she has traveled across the sea many times. Now, prepare your demands. I will bring you to the meeting in a few hours,” Librarian Narwan said, then vanished.

The next two hours passed quickly, as Aleks, Vaya, Jamila, and I made a list of what we wanted to trade for. Aleks included in the requirements that anyone not in the current area had to pay a similar amount to be taught any of the information gained, “Yes, that includes my father,” she said when Jamila asked. “Aiden earned this, and he deserves a reward for it. It is still far too cheap of a price, but the nations will be unable to pay what he truly deserves with the war going on. This way, at least, all of us will be able to get stronger, faster, and reach a higher level of strength with the other nations gathering and tempering techniques. Even the Legacy has different, not necessarily better, techniques.”

“How do you know that?” I asked.

She blushed, “Uh, I got to look at the Aether Gathering Gathering Technique Knowledge Stone when Vaya and Lilianna were handing it around to everyone. I found a good Ice, Air, Water rune to match my upgraded Affinities after the Tower. I took a look at some of their lower level techniques too. They were, um, basically a mix of a gathering technique and a tempering technique, always focused on one Element.”

“Neat,” I said. “Speaking of tempering, Vaya, you and I should use the Volk method again in another Element or seven, since the Tribulation counted as tempering in every one of them.”

“Can you temper in other Elements?” Jamila asked. “Like Mud, or Acid?”

I looked at Aleks, then Vaya, who all just shrugged, “No idea,” I said. “That’s something to ask Librarian Narwan.”

“Yes, you can,” he said, appearing directly behind Vaya and making her shriek. “Though it is often not as useful as simply advancing with the base Elements. Very few make it past the third level of tempering, where it would be potentially advantageous to temper with advanced Elements. For Aiden and Vaya, it should provide some additional strength and defense, but the amount is nowhere near as significant as the first level of tempering in the base Elements. Using the (Volk method) will provide better results. Come, all four of you are invited to speak before Sultah Aleahil and his guests.”

We followed him out of the inn, waving at Jon and Ming as they hauled a crate around the side of the inn towards the courtyard. “Sure thing, you go have fun with your girls and leave us working here!” Jon yelled with a grin on his face.

“Yup, but I’ll be bringing presents back afterwards, I hope,” I called back, waving jauntily.

Bridget ran up to the wagon that was holding the food, “Ooh, I love presents,” she said.

Librarian Narwan created the Air platform he’d used to bring me to the forest for my Tribulation, then Jamila, Vaya, Aleks, and I stepped on. He joined us, and we shot off like a rocket, zooming over people’s heads at a height of 4-5 meters. What had taken ten minutes to run or an hour to stroll only took thirty seconds of motion on the Aether transport. We set down right in front of the palace, and the guards waved us in.

“Why don’t more people fly around on these things?” I asked. “I’m pretty certain I could make something like it, though I’m not quite sure how to make it move yet.”

“Most major cities have laws against flying around,” Aleks explained, “to keep the skies clear in case of attack. Those with urgent need can get permission, or seek forgiveness later, but usually people just walk or run. In Craesti, there are more mounted riders around as well, but the Ashkhas do not have the food reserves to allow more than Bonds in.”

“Um, has anyone heard from the Bonds over the last few days?” Jamila asked. “I have not been able to communicate with Fluffy since he left with Sia.”

“Sia told me he was taking the Bonds on a trip into the forest, that they would be safe, and that he would come back before we left,” I said.

“I have already informed him of the departure time,” Librarian Narwan preempted my question or attempt to speak with Sia. “They will return either tonight or tomorrow, which will determine your ability to leave. Use your time wisely. Now, get the rope in your hands, it is time to speak with the other Soul Strengthening gatherers and their representatives.”

He led us into the same room I’d spoken to them two days ago, and the same people sat around the table. “Welcome back, Knight Aiden,” Sultah Aleahil said. “Thank you for offering the techniques for us old wheezers, giving us hope to continue to advance. Casmir has let us know the majority of your initial price, and I speak for us all when I say that it is not enough…”

“Uh, Sultah Aleahil, I honestly believe you are incorrect,” I interjected, “the knowledge in this Stone is literally priceless, and should easily be worth some pills and plants.”

“Yes,” he said, a grin stretching on his feline face, “exactly. Your demands are not sufficient, and would create too much debt between us. Each of us will provide a number of pills and powders, including some that may take longer to arrive.”

“Yah,” Gunther said, “I sent a message back to my da to put together twelve Stahlbruchfestigkeit Pills. You will be the first Craesti, the first non-Volk, to ever take them.”

“Please do so near a healer,” Ritter Felix said, “and record what happens and how effective they are.”

“Are you agreeing to share a gathering and a tempering technique as well?” I asked. “I thought that would be a harder sell, actually.”

“Yes,” the Topraki Soul Strengthening gatherer said, his voice gravelly and deep. “And we are not going to scrimp and scratch to make value.” He placed two Knowledge Stones, Aether dimly swirling around the inside. “Though I do ask you do not share these beyond the twelve of you and your families. This is the Aether Ingestion Core Dissolving Technique, used by the elite of our Warrior Lodges (make Aramaic), and is a better technique for using Beast meat and Cores to advance than anything your nation has. The other is only usable by those in the latter stages of Condensation and Core gatherers, the Self-Flagellation Tempering Technique. It is not pleasant, but is the second best technique for strengthening your skin and muscles to prevent damage.”

Self-flagellation, fun times, I thought, nodding.

“We have already shared part of the tempering technique,” Ritter Felix said. “On this stone are the next three layers of the technique. Our gathering technique is the Äthermuskelinfusion Einatmen Technik. I look forward to seeing what you become when combining all of our techniques together.”

“If only we had a few years for you to grow,” Sultah Aleahil said. “Rather than an Aether gathering technique, I have a single Geist gathering technique, the Mind-Enhancement Inward Focused Technique. It is slow if you do not have a source of Geist, but you naturally create just a little, and can use that to gather and temper your mind to produce more. With a source of Geist, such as our tower, you would advance faster. As the others have provided external tempering techniques, I will share my Bone Crystallization Marrow Cleansing Technique, further preventing harm and allowing you to utilize the prodigious strength that combining the other techniques will allow. Become our champion.”

I nodded. “I will, we will, do our best.”

“In addition, we will each provide one thousand level three Cores, five hundred level four, and one hundred level five Cores from the Jungle Arena Dungeon or twice as many Beast Cores from other sources,” Sultah Aleahil continued. “All of you will be given priority for Dungeon instances when you are around, and one platinum to allow you to commission armor and weapons to keep yourself safer.”

“Yah, and when you come visit the Weltreich you will be given access to the Tower of Geist for as long as you are available,” Gunther said. “Though I do expect some spars!” He burst into laughter.

“That just means you gotta catch up,” I told him with a wink.

“Nah, now it is fair!” He said, then pounded the table in mirth.

“If you are ever in the Topraki Empire, you will have access to one of our national treasures as well,” the Topraki said. “Though I am unsure if it will be helpful to you. Our (Aramaic name) strengthens our wolf and hybrid forms. You are welcome to try your luck anyway.”

“That is very generous,” I said. I looked over at Aleks, Vaya, Jamila, and Librarian Narwan. Three nods and a shrug met my questioning gaze, then I turned back to the others. I reached into my bag, summoned the Knowledge Stone in question, then handed it to Sultah Aleahil. “I accept.”

“Then take your earnings,” he said, gently accepting the Stone from me. He hesitated for a second, then put it to his forehead.

(Name) scooted the two Knowledge Stones in front of Sultah Aleahil towards me, and I scooped them up and put them in my bag, then into my ring. The others gave me their stones as well, and then a servant in a fancy silver coat gently placed a long sheet of parchment in front of me. A quick glance showed me that it included all of the items from Jamila and Vaya’s list, everything Sultah Aleahil had just offered, and the limitations on the techniques we’d been given. There were a few more special pills called out to be delivered within six months, and then there were five lines to sign.

Aleks stepped forward and signed it on the Craesti line, “My father will pay similar amounts to learn this technique.”

“Okay,” I said, then signed the document myself. I looked around the table. The servant had placed another of the contracts in front of each of the others, and once signed they passed it to their right.

Sultah Aleahil blinked out of the Knowledge Stone, then signed the papers. “I had hoped for a quicker path, but this will be useful. I will speak with the rest of the (Soul Council). Will you allow us to spread the knowledge if we send additional payments?”

“Uh, yeah,” I said.

Aleks cleared her throat and whispered, “You should increase the monetary cost, since learning more new techniques will not be helpful.”

“Yes, we can double the amount of Dungeon Cores, or pay the market gold price for them,” Sultah Aleahil agreed instantly. “This is still low enough of a cost that I feel a debt, but it is not insurmountable.” He passed the Stone to Ritter Felix, who immediately used it.

“I would like to add twenty level six Dungeon Cores to the list,” I said. “The level five and below will only be useful for a little while, or for family instead of us.”

Sultah Aleahil nodded, “That is acceptable. I will put out a notice that I will purchase the level six Cores, as none have been sold yet.”

“Thank you,” I said, seeing our path forward solidifying. The same servant passed out another agreement, penned in just the last few seconds, stating our new agreement as well.

Librarian Narwan signed this one on behalf of the Craesti. “Headmaster Glav will be able to use this technique immediately,” he said, “since she is unlikely to be sent to the front lines anytime soon. I will work with her on advancing quickly.”

“Yes, sir,” I said.

Every one of the Soul Strengthening gatherers around frowned, or emoted something that felt like a frown through my translation ability. “I’m sorry that this isn’t the slam dunk advancement to give you the win in the war,” I explained.

“No, this is useful,” Sultah Aleahil said, “though I doubt any of us will be using the information until someone has been groomed to take our place.”

“I hope the war does not last long enough for this technique to make the difference,” the Topraki said, gesturing with the stone.

“Uh, should I leave the stone with Sultah Aleahil?” I asked Librarian Narwan quietly.

“No need,” Sultah Aleahil answered, “I am more than capable of transmitting the knowledge to another, as are any of us. Give it to your king, and make sure you get paid.” He grinned, his sharp leonine teeth making the gesture somewhat terrifying, but I could feel the mirth in his face.

I nodded back, keeping my laughter inside, as I thought, (Name) has wares if you have coin.

“The items for the initial purchase will be delivered before the end of the day,” Ritter Felix said. “Master Narwan informed us you wanted to leave by tomorrow mid-day, so we prioritized getting the items to you quickly.”

“Thank you,” I said, then bowed. “And thank you for your generosity. Please, send some Core level gatherers to Azyl City or Craesti City to learn the Aether Gathering, Condensation, and Core level techniques as well. For Condensation techniques, ten level five Dungeon Cores, and for Core one level six Core.”

“Can we send someone tonight?” Gunther asked.

I nodded, “Sure.” We organized having three people coming tonight, one from each of the other nations, and Gunther told me he’d be bringing some Volk spirits to toast a successful tournament.

“I look forward to it!” I told him, and then everyone got up to leave the room and get back to their days.



Really liked this chapter. Thanks!

Alan Strickland

Lol, Kajit has wares if you have coin!