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A milestone worth celebrating.

I'm not going to anytime soon but more patreon games are in the future for sure.

Even if everyone gave 1$ that would equal a month's work at my old job.
Your generosity knows no bounds.

I'm going to do what I do every year though this December.

I will not collect patreon in December.

You keep your money to stay healthy and hopefully spend it on others. Such as your family or pets or friends.

I've done this 2 years now and in my mind I hope I'm doing something good.

560 patrons is a shit ton. Let alone the number along side that.

I hope I can earn many more of yall to help me with my journey to become the most mediocre content creator out there.

Also December 2nd is Tyrions birthday. He'll get lots of snacks and treats. Don't worry.

Thank you again. All of you.

I wish I could do more, but you like what I'm doing so I guess I just gotta do what I do but better.




I feel it’s been at least a year or two since I found ya, and I’ve been very happy to watch your editing style and humor evolve. Thanks for doing what you do J. Give Tyrion lots of birthday wishes from us. Stay gold.


You’re doing great SockMan!!


Does Tyrion take Bday gifts?


I wish you growth, as well as a happiness that no money can buy.

