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sorry for lack of updates on here, the discord has 100% of my attention. I'm not ignoring this place it's very important to me.

I'm currently on an editing block since Mafia 3 cannot happen.

I'm trying to branch out and get a sock sights out, but im also trying to meet the video a week quota I set myself.

I'm working hard, as always. only reason I've been kinda distant. you can always contact me here on patreon or discord if you need me.



edan story

Dont worry about a quota when you finish a video you finish a video we can wait.


I know how dedicated you are, and we all appreciate it, but be careful to not burn yourself out. Working too hard will lead to the opposite of what you want. Even Chads need to slow down every once in a while.


Im out of the loop, whats up with mafia 3?