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Ive got an open mind, I'm up for talking. If you need advice, need help, or just need to vent, I got you.

Just understand a non serious question gets a non serious response.

Stay healthy.




Noice, pal :)


Would you stream gunfire reborn?


Thats mighty nice of you to say


Would you ever wanna play sonic adventure? I use to love that game growing up.


Will you stream Anomg Trees when it releases on Steam?


Ever thought about playing maneater


I feel like I should quit my job, during quarantine I've lost most of my Mojo and Braincells to even remember what to do anymore, I wanted to become a gunsmith but thats now out of the question due to the 'rona being a concern so they shut down some places and those that are still up charge even more out of it. what should I do?


I'd say keep what you've got so far, and try something new. When you finally five something you're motivated in then move on. But until then, having a job right now is a very fortunate thing.


Are women real? As well as are you ok during this time?


Thanks to this patreon, I dont deserve to complain about anything. And luckily, I have nothing to complain about. Also women sadly exist


you hear how microsoft just tossed mixer in the garbage?


I'm just here to say that while I only made it to one stream and even donated on it, I love your content man. Keep doing what your doing


How about enter the gungeon with one of the bois


Should moving out be as stressful as I'm finding it? Just sleeping in a room with half of my room from my dad's house spliced in it is causing me to feel uncomfortable in my own home and panic


Love you sock man, glad you appreciate your people. My question is a Kel Tec KSG a valid shotgun choice for home defense? Your honest opinion if you have the time. (Also in Cali so the 10 round magazine law is circumvented by the two tubes


Is there anything else we could contact you on to have more private conversations? Is that a weird question?