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I feel kinda bad for taking the sponsor, but I've never done one before and they were offering so much.

I'm too fortunate and have a nice community to be doing sponsors anymore. I'm going to not do sponsors anymore with this place around unless they offer something outrageous.

Thanks for everything y'all.




You're all good J, take them if you need them.


My dude you're fine, you gotta do what you gotta do to keep the lights on and the stomach full. You did a good job with the script BTW, made the ad an enjoyable sideshow to the main vid.


IMO your ads simply serve as another kind of content along with your regular videos except you get cash in the bank quicker; I was really looking forward to the raid sponsor from you because of the way you'd tackle it and you sure delivered on the entertainment!


The ad was good man, it was funny and entertaining, if anything I'd just say if you decide to do it again, you should be a little confident with it.


Personally i have no problem with sponsored content. Some creators manage to blend it perfectly into their videos. You pulled it off too.


i think you should run a poll and see for certain how everyone feels about you taking the occasional sponsorship. You deserve a chance to make some pissing money.


J I dont feel like there is anythig wrong with yout taking that sponsor. we give you money sins we want you have it good. And if you want that excstra just take it You deserve it.


brother, don't feel like taking it was a bad thing... Life is life, if people are bothered by it, they haven't heard of the ability to skip it. It's more important to focus on your health, well being, and finance. Especially over something so small like a sponsor that takes up... like 15-30 seconds at most.. YOU provide us content that we enjoy, your stability is more important than 30 seconds of our time


Dude if taking a sponsor will keep you creating do it. I'd much rather you be in a financial state to make whatever you want than worry about whether 30s piss to many people off