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I hate to ask for donations, I feel they should always, no matter what, be in your hands when you want to do whatever your want.

But you all choose to be generous enough to help me.

I hope I do enough to keep you all entertained.

This patreon had officially hit the amount to entirely pay my rent.

I don't like talking about my financial stability, but you all have given me the ability to live on my own and edit for a job.

I hope I can learn VFX in the future to earn you all longer.

Thank you dearly.



Thank you for the content, it never stops being enjoyable, even when livestreaming you have comedy and the viewers' enjoyment in mind. A game is never stale when you're in charge, so I'm honored to be able to support that cause and contribute to the content you release.


Don't sweat it dude! You've earned every single cent from being a funny and awesome guy!


love you sweetie <3


No sweat, we all love you